Taurus Sign

The power of Taurus, the sensual and firm second sign of the zodiac in the exciting discipline of astrology. With our complete information and references, you can immerse yourself in the mysteries of Taurus, the sign with a fixed and negative quality that gives you a unique perspective on the cosmos. Explore the deep connection between Taurus and its complementary opposite, Scorpio and discover how these stars influence each other in the cosmic dance of astrology! Discover the secrets of Taurus and awaken your star power.

Money Before Love – Signs That Put Money Ahead of Affection

dinero antes que el amor / money before love

Discover which zodiac signs put money above love. For these four astrological stars, achieving a comfortable and luxurious life is their highest aspiration which can relegate love to the background. Which ones are they and how does their perspective on wealth affect their romantic relationships?

Money Before Love – Signs That Put Money Ahead of Affection Read More »

Full Moon in Taurus: What Does the Eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis Mean?

Luna Llena en TAURO

The forthcoming eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis is shaping up to be an unprecedented event, laden with meanings that resonate on both individual and collective levels. From the pursuit of emotional stability to the impulse for financial transformation, this celestial phenomenon invites us to profound introspection.

Full Moon in Taurus: What Does the Eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis Mean? Read More »

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