Great power of the Psalms

Great power of the Psalms,

The Tehillim, or Psalms, have great power because each expresses the highest feelings and sensations of the human spirit. In this way, each Psalm serves as a conduit to connect man with God…

The incredible power of the Tehillim or Psalms

At the same time, it serves as a special conduit for the revelation to man of particular energy from Above, a power that is inherent in each Psalm and unique to him.

A person must adopt the practice of reciting the Tehillim if he wants to reconcile himself with the Holy One, blessed be He. Reciting the Psalms is a particular activity that can help someone achieve that goal.

One should pray to the Holy One, may He grant him full-hearted service and admiration for Him. This is the proper way of praying, as it is more valuable to the Saint than any fasting.

The Tehillim or Psalms are wonderful to read

It seems as if King David was reciting them. The Psalms were written by King David under the direction and with the breath of God. The words of the Psalms still have this sacred breath. Your breath activates the Divine Breath of these words when you utter them.

The Power of the Psalms or Tehillim

It sounds as if King David is singing the Tehillim when you say them. Relying only on the Holy One, blessed be He, is the best course of action for someone who is sick. He should have faith that praying the Psalms will be of great benefit to him.

What is the purpose of each Psalm or Tehillim?

  • Psalm 1: to prevent miscarriage
  • Psalm 2: against tidal waves
  • Psalm 3: against headache and shoulder pain
  • Psalm 4: for all occasions
  • Psalm 5: against evil spirits
  • Psalm 6: against diseases of the eyes
  • Psalm 7: to ward off enemies
  • Psalm 8: to please
  • Psalm 9: for a sick boy
  • Psalm 10: to deliver from an evil spirit
  • Psalm 11: Against Enemies
  • Psalm 12: Against Weakness
  • Psalm 13: Lest He Dies a Violent Death
  • Psalm 14: to be delivered from slander and suspicion
  • Psalm 15: to remove a demon
  • Psalm 16: to discover a thief
  • Psalm 17: before setting out on a journey
  • Psalm 18: to be safe from the wickedness of a dictator
  • Psalm 19: to remove a difficult situation in a couple
  • Psalm 20: to say before going to court
  • Psalm 21: to say before appealing to a Government authority
  • Psalm 22: against all kinds of suffering
  • Psalm 23: to understand a dream
  • Psalm 24: to escape from dangers and floods
  • Psalm 25: to escape from floods
  • Psalm 26: for the danger of going into prison without justice
  • Psalm 27: to find refuge in times of unhappiness
  • Psalm 28: for a prayer to materialize
  • Psalm 29: against evil spirits
  • Psalm 30: longevity and against every kind of evil
  • Psalm 31: to deliver you from slander and evil tongues
  • Psalm 32: ask for and obtain God’s forgiveness
  • Psalm 33: for a mother who has lost her children
  • Psalm 34: to say during a journey
  • Psalm 35: when one’s enemies seek one’s harm
  • Psalm 36: to say when eliminating evildoers
  • Psalm 37: to say when taking a good thing on a journey
  • Psalm 38: against evil counsel
  • Psalm 39: for one who suffers
  • Psalm 40: to be safe from evil spirits
  • Psalm 41: for the sick to be healed in desperate straits
  • Psalm 42: when building a house
  • Psalm 43: When Building a House
  • Psalm 44: to be safe from an enemy
  • Psalm 45: for one who has an evil partner
  • Psalm 46: when hatred has infiltrated the couple.
  • Psalm 47: to awaken awareness of the need to reconnect with Hashem.
  • Psalm 48: to terrify one’s enemies
  • Psalm 49: against fever
  • Psalm 50: to be safe from bandits
  • Psalm 51: to be safe from the impurity of incest
  • Psalm 52: to put an end to the habit of slandering
  • Psalm 53: to terrify enemies
  • Psalm 54: To Give Enemies What They Deserve
  • Psalm 55: To Tame Misfortune
  • Psalm 56: For the Imprisoned
  • Psalm 57: To Succeed
  • Psalm 58: Against Harmful Dogs
  • Psalm 59: Against the Inclination to Evil
  • Psalm 60: When Going Out to War
  • Psalm 61: Whoever fears to be at home
  • Psalm 62: to say after evening and night prayer
  • Psalm 63: to succeed in business
  • Psalm 64: when crossing a river
  • Psalm 65: in requiring something of someone
  • Psalm 66: for a demon-possessed person
  • Psalm 67: against chronic fevers
  • Psalm 68: Against Evil Spirits
  • Psalm 69: to subdue covetousness and lust
  • Psalm 70: in case of war
  • Psalm 71: To Find Divine Grace
  • Psalm 72: Finding Divine Grace
  • Psalm 73: Controlling Phobias
  • Psalm 74: Against Fear of Enemies
  • Psalm 75: Neutralize Arrogance
  • Psalm 76: To Be Safe from Fire and Water
  • Psalm 77: Lest Misfortune befalls this Day
  • Psalm 78: To Find Grace in the Face of Authority
  • Psalm 79: To Overcome Enemies
  • Psalm 80: To be safe from the doctrines of atheists and heretics.
  • Psalm 81: to be safe from heresy
  • Psalm 82: To crown every undertaking with success.
  • Psalm 83: In case of war
  • Psalm 84: whoever is weak because of his infirmities
  • Psalm 85: To have a good relationship with a companion.
  • Psalm 86: To subdue evil spirits.
  • Psalm 87: in a dangerous situation in the city
  • Psalm 88: When sickness brings one to the brink of death.
  • Psalm 89: to weaken or lose a member of one’s body
  • Psalm 90: to escape from a lion
  • Psalm 91: against evil spirits
  • Psalm 92: to have the privilege of seeing great miracles
  • Psalm 93: to win a lawsuit
  • Psalm 94: an affliction that an enemy may provoke
  • Psalm 95: to avoid being troubled by the people of the city
  • Psalm 96: to rejoice the family
  • Psalm 97: to rejoice the family
  • Psalm 98: to make peace with one’s neighbor
  • Psalm 99: to be pious and charitable
  • Psalm 100: Overcome Enemies
  • Psalm 101: Against Evil Spirits
  • Psalm 102: Let a barren woman be healed.
  • Psalm 103: That a barren woman may be healed.
  • Psalm 104: to drive away harmful people or undesirable neighbors
  • Psalm 105: Against Malaria, which comes a fourth time
  • Psalm 106: Against Malaria, recurring for the third time
  • Psalm 107: against chronic fever
  • Psalm 108: for success
  • Psalm 109: To Avoid Oppression by an Enemy
  • Psalm 110: Making Peace with Enemies
  • Psalm 111: To Make Friendships
  • Psalm 112: To Achieve Greater Strength and Power
  • Psalm 113: Against Apostasy
  • Psalm 114: Before Carrying Out a Business Deal
  • Psalm 115: to refute apostates
  • Psalm 116: to be safe from a tragic death
  • Psalm 117: Against False Accusations
  • Psalm 118: to refute the unbeliever. Also, say when appearing before a judge…