
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

July 25: Day Out of Time in the Maya Calendar

Día Fuera del Tiempo Maya / Day Out of Mayan-Time

On July 25, an extraordinary event is celebrated: the Day Out of Time in the Mayan Calendar. This unique day, laden with symbolism and rituals, is a unique opportunity to connect with the universe and renew your aspirations. Do not miss what the Mayans have to teach us about harmony and creativity.


Weekly Kabbalistic Astrology

Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Take advantage of this week’s astrological influences for your mental and emotional healing. The Full Moon and the movements of Mars in Gemini offer you a unique opportunity for reflection and growth. Act with wisdom and patience to improve your well-being and balance.


Energy Vampires Characteristics

Vampiros Energéticos

Did you know that some people can drain your energy without you realizing it? These energy vampires are more common than you think. Identifying their characteristics is crucial to protect yourself. Learn how they interact with your electromagnetic field and discover effective methods to regain your vitality.
