Energy of the Month of Tammuz (Cancer) Kabbalah

Energy of the Month of Tammuz (Cancer) Kabbalah,

This July, the cosmic energy of the month of Tammuz is at your disposal to transform your life. Learn how Kabbalistic astrology and the power of the letter Het can help you overcome negative influences and achieve spiritual self-transcendence.

Spiritual Transformation in Tammuz (Cancer Month) According to Kabbalah

The cosmic energy of this month will be available until sunset on August 5. According to the Talmud: “The calculation of the celestial orbits (Astrology) and gematria (numerology) are the appetizers of wisdom.”

Kabbalistic astrology offers tools for people to harness the energy of each month, helping them overcome cosmic influences and take control of their lives.

This discipline teaches how to transform selfish nature (the desire to receive for oneself) into altruistic nature (the desire to receive to share). Each month brings specific energy for our improvement and self-realization, in connection with our purpose and life mission.

Based on the Bible, we understand the energy of each month related to biblical events.

Kabbalah teaches that we are all influenced by the energy of each zodiac month, regardless of our sign. This means that even if we are Sagittarius, Scorpio, or Gemini, we will be affected by the current month’s energy.

We all have something from the twelve zodiac signs and the month’s energy is available to support us in our life mission and self-realization.

Sartan (Cancer) in Kabbalah

Self-transcendence and the Elimination of Negativity

The Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah), attributed to Abraham, associates each month with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, a zodiac sign, one of the 12 tribes, a sense and an organ of the human body.

With the arrival of the month of Tammuz (Cancer), summer begins. This month is associated with the water element, the Moon, the color orange, the ruby stone, the letter HET (chet), the sign of Cancer – The Crab, the tribe of Reuben, the sense of sight, the quality of perceptivity and the right hand. The sign of this month is Sartan (Cancer – The Crab).

Sartan (Cancer), in Aramaic, is divided into Sar – eliminate negativity and Tan – chaos, hatred and resentment.

The energy of the month of Cancer drives us to eliminate problems or negative situations that can cause CANCER in our lives.

According to this view, the word sartan means “to put aside the body” (to reveal the soul). This implies removing the external “shell” of reality to reveal the “fruit” and the internal vital force.

How to Harness the Energy of the Month of Cancer for Spiritual Growth

From Negative to Positive

This month, the energy tends towards ‘negativity,’ creating a conducive scenario for impure thoughts and actions. It is crucial to understand that ‘negative’ does not necessarily mean harmful.

Instead, it suggests a connection with our ‘selfish’ side. This context confronts us with greater challenges, offering opportunities for our personal transformation. We must harness the light encapsulated in this apparent ‘negativity.’

Like developing photographs: from a negative, we can produce numerous positives.

This period presents the challenge of intense emotional reactivity. The influence of the Moon, which rules Cancer, causes this. We should expect our relationships to test our sensitivity, provoking feelings of criticism, rejection, abandonment, hurt, depression, moodiness, sadness and melancholy…

These are illusory feelings and moods you might experience this month due to the Moon’s influence on our emotional sphere.

The month of Cancer is emotionally charged, which is not necessarily ‘bad.’ It is a time to ask ourselves: Am I controlling my impulses and emotions, or are they controlling me?

We all have the capacity to open a channel of love this month. The more we practice loving without reason, the more the channel will open. This can be challenging, but the more we awaken genuine love, the more miracles we will see in our lives.

This month requires us to be more attuned to the emotions and circumstances of others and to be more sensitive in how we treat others, transforming this period of ‘negativity’ into Light, through acts of sharing, appreciation and unconditional love.

How the Month of Cancer Can Help You See Reality from a Spiritual Perspective

Refocusing the Vision

Summer, the period of Cancer, represents ‘vacation’ for the eyes. It is the time to ‘cover’ the eyes and see only the decent and good (in the world and in others). The ability to focus the vision correctly leads to the rectification of the visual sense.

We must train our eyes to see the positive internal dimension of reality and not focus on the external, negative ‘shell.’

The visual sense of the month of Cancer is the ability to ‘distinguish’ that behind every physical reality, there is a Divine origin. It requires setting aside the physical and material (the ego) to reveal the authentic and spiritual (the soul) in this world.

We mistakenly associate good with pleasure. However, when ‘what is right’ is not considered, any choice that does not consider the truth is doomed to last a short time. The idea of good changes over time and what once brought us pleasure now causes us rejection.

But the truth is eternal; its firmness remains forever. We should think that doing the right thing, consciously, brings us the maximum pleasure in the long term.

Harness the energy of this month to review our actions and decide if we want to base them on the truth or our changing ideas of good and pleasure.

Letter: The Chet

Energy of the Month of Tammuz (Cancer) Kabbalah,

In relation to the sense of sight, the shape of the Chet (het) represents the dynamics of spiritual light, emitted by the eyes and the physical light that returns from the observed object to the eyes, which is why this is a month for the rectification of vision (caring for what we observe). The Talmud indicates that: ‘The eye sees, the heart desires, the body executes and the Soul is Executed.’

Hands that Bless

The Importance of Altruism and Spirituality During the Month of Cancer

In every pair (right-left), the right represents the spiritual and the left the physical. The right hand and its index finger, in particular, serve to direct and focus vision.

Hands represent the ability to attract blessings to the world through a spiritual life. One of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s last lessons deals with the importance of hands in the daily spiritual path.

The Rabbi explains how to use hands to bring down wisdom that helps us manifest altruism and the desire to receive to share.

This month, focus on working on your fears and dependence on the material. Get rid of relationships, jobs, or businesses that do not benefit you. Communicate your moods and emotions. Help others emotionally, enriching yourself spiritually.

Trust this month, as you will have powerful intuition and perception. Break false feelings of security. Take risks and trust that everything is for the best. Connect with altruism (receiving to share). Perform actions that encourage sharing. Appreciate everything you have been blessed with. Live in the present (let go of the past).

Remember that this cosmic energy is available for our improvement and human excellence, regardless of your zodiac sign.