Weekly Kabbalistic Astrology

Weekly Kabbalistic Astrology, InfoMistico.com

Get ready for a week filled with astrological revelations. From the powerful Full Moon to the impact of Mars in Gemini, we tell you everything you need to know to maintain the balance between the physical and the spiritual. Don’t miss these valuable tips for your mental and emotional healing.

Important Celestial Movements This Week

The week begins with a Full Moon, known as the most positive day of the month. However, it brings an opposition between the Sun and the Moon at 180 degrees, creating two forces pulling us in opposite directions. Our task is to balance them.

This is an ideal day for meditation and spiritual practice, although tension may arise. This tension teaches us to balance the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, connecting the physical and the spiritual, the practical and the emotional, as well as work and family life.

The opposition between the Sun and the Moon manifests not only in the astrological realm but also in our daily lives. It serves as a reminder of the duality that exists within us and the need to find a balance between the various facets of our existence.

During this period, it is essential to practice introspection and self-reflection to better understand our inner motivations and how they are reflected in our external actions. This balance not only improves our personal well-being but also allows us to interact more harmoniously with others.

Mental and Emotional Healing

The opposition can provoke internal battles, making this week one of the most powerful of the year for mental healing.

It allows us to invite a more positive healing journey into our bodies. Healing the mind brings balance: knowing our limits, understanding what is good for us and detecting toxic behaviors or situations. Healing provides us with the strength to move away from what does not support our growth.

Mental and emotional healing is an ongoing process that requires attention and dedication. This week, the stars offer us a unique opportunity to deepen this healing journey. It is a propitious time to undergo therapies, meditations and any practice that helps us release accumulated stress and tensions.

The energy of the Full Moon acts as a catalyst, amplifying our intentions and efforts towards healing. Take advantage of this time to establish new self-care routines that help you maintain a state of balance and well-being in the long term.

There is always room for transformation. However, we cannot achieve elevation or transformation if we do not understand who we are internally. As the Kabbalists explain, to attract blessings into our lives, we must be complete.

Complete does not mean perfect, but being a whole vessel for the blessings. If we are confused about this, the energy we receive will reflect that confusion and will not support us in our healing journey.

Important Celestial Movements

In the coming days, some important celestial movements should be considered.

First, the Sun moves into Leo on Monday. Then, Mercury, the planet of communication and information processing, moves to its ruling place, Virgo. Mars, an expression of power, motivation and desire, moves into Gemini.

The Sun in Leo emphasizes the need to be the center of attention and for everyone around us to shine. The journey here is to work with the heart to activate unconditional love, especially on Monday night when we begin an intense journey called Ben haMetzarim.

This is a time of constriction, where a wave of unbalanced energy enters the universe and affects us. This period can bring about astonishing transformations or great sadness. Focus on reflecting the Creator’s Light Force. Radiate compassion from your heart and act with human dignity and kindness.

The transit of the Sun into Leo can inspire us to explore and express our creativity. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is a sign that values self-expression and authenticity. Utilize this energy to embark on creative projects or activities that allow you to showcase your true self. Whether through art, writing, music, or any other form of expression, this is the time to let your light shine.

Mars in Gemini and the Importance of Self-Care

Mars moves from Taurus to Gemini. It is worth noting that Mars and Gemini are not the best of friends.

Mars heats the nervous system, so for the next six weeks, dedicate at least 20 minutes daily to breathing and supporting your nervous system, calming negativity. Mars in Gemini can be a very antagonistic combination.

Therefore, strive to cooperate with others, brainstorm and expand your worldview. In a few weeks, Mars will conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, amplifying the effects of Mars in Gemini. Pay attention to how you speak and how well you listen.

The influence of Mars in Gemini provokes an increase in mental activity and the need to communicate. This is a good time to engage in debates, exchange ideas and learn something new. However, it is crucial to maintain balance and not let Martian energy cause unnecessary conflicts. Practice patience and empathy in your daily interactions.

Mercury in Virgo: Mental Clarity and Careful Communication

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, moves into Virgo. This planet is considered exalted in Virgo, which means it is a very good time for the mind, sharpness, research and deepening understanding.

But there is also danger in the Gemini-Virgo square: internal wars in our minds can be expressed externally through verbal violence.

Be careful not to gossip or belittle people with your words. Remember, life and death depend on your tongue. Make sure to inspire and create life with your words, not the opposite.

The influence of Mercury in Virgo should be utilized to improve our organizational and planning skills. Virgo is a sign known for its attention to detail and ability to manage complex tasks. Use this energy to put your affairs in order, set clear goals and work efficiently towards achieving them.

This is an excellent period for conducting deep research and gaining a clearer understanding of any topic that interests you.

Lunar Conjunctions and Practical Advice

On Sunday, the Moon conjuncts Pluto, a time for emotional endings and beginnings. Keep your emotions in proportion. On Wednesday, the Moon conjuncts retrograding Saturn in Pisces.

We may experience some emotional blockage, but it is only to teach us how to work with our emotions healthily. On Thursday, the Moon moves into Aries and there is an excess of fire in the astrological chart. Use the water element by going to a pool, taking regular showers and drinking plenty of water.

The conjunction of the Moon with Pluto is a powerful moment for emotional transformation. Pluto, the planet of regeneration and rebirth, invites us to let go of old wounds and patterns that no longer serve us. This is a good time to perform release and purification rituals, allowing repressed emotions to surface and be healed.

The conjunction of the Moon with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday can bring a sense of emotional restriction. Saturn, known for its disciplinary nature, challenges us to face our emotions with maturity and responsibility. Although it can be a difficult time, it is an opportunity to learn to handle our emotions constructively and healthily.

When the Moon moves into Aries on Thursday, the energy changes drastically. Aries, a fire sign, brings a surge of dynamism and enthusiasm. However, it is important to balance this energy with the calming influence of water. Activities such as swimming, taking relaxing showers and staying well-hydrated can help maintain balance during this period of high energy.

Close the week with a renewed focus on your healing and balance. The energy of the stars gives you the opportunity for introspection and transformation. Don’t miss this chance to establish new self-care routines and achieve a state of lasting well-being.

With information from Batsheva Shouster 
Batsheva Shouster, born in Jerusalem, studied theology and the Bible at university. Upon discovering the Kabbalah Center she was immediately drawn to the Kabbalistic perspective of eliminating chaos from the world.