Taurus Sign

The power of Taurus, the sensual and firm second sign of the zodiac in the exciting discipline of astrology. With our complete information and references, you can immerse yourself in the mysteries of Taurus, the sign with a fixed and negative quality that gives you a unique perspective on the cosmos. Explore the deep connection between Taurus and its complementary opposite, Scorpio and discover how these stars influence each other in the cosmic dance of astrology! Discover the secrets of Taurus and awaken your star power.

New Moon in Taurus

Luna Nueva en Tauro / New Moon in Taurus

Discover the influence of the New Moon in Taurus 2023 and how to take advantage of its renewing and stabilizing energies. This powerful moon phase offers an opportunity to reconnect with inner calm and establish solid foundations for personal growth. Learn how to strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra and manifest your intentions with this astrological guide.

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