
Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, is known for its optimism and thirst for adventure. Sagittarians, lovers of freedom, are renowned for their honesty, philosophical spirit, and relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth.

New Moon in Sagittarius: Cosmic Change and Sagittarius

Luna Nueva en Sagitario / New Moon in Sagittarius

We approach the last New Moon of the year, a crucial moment in astrology that signals a significant change in the cosmos. With the Sun and Moon leaving behind Mars’ influence, we enter the energy of Sagittarius. This transit promises renewed optimism, marking a contrast with the recent Full Moon in Gemini and its challenges.

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Money Before Love – Signs That Put Money Ahead of Affection

dinero antes que el amor / money before love

Discover which zodiac signs put money above love. For these four astrological stars, achieving a comfortable and luxurious life is their highest aspiration which can relegate love to the background. Which ones are they and how does their perspective on wealth affect their romantic relationships?

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