Angel Number 51 Hahasiah

Angel Number 51 Hahasiah,

Number: 51
Tree of life: sphere of Netzah and means “Eternity”
Planetary energies: Venus and Jupiter
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Zodiac Regency: 10° to 15° Sagittarius, 19° Taurus, 0° Leo, 11° Libra, 25° Sagittarius and 6° Pisces
Meaning: “Hidden God”
Prince: Archangel Haniel
Regency hours: 16:40 to 17:00

Angel 51 Hahasiah: Assisting You in Achieving Forgiveness for Your Past Faults

Hahasiah serves as a beacon of light for those seeking to rectify the missteps of their past. This sublime entity, whose presence is felt in the most secretive folds of knowledge, becomes a guide for repentant hearts, offering the possibility of reconciliation with oneself and the universe.

This angel is a guardian of the arcane and the esoteric. To invoke Hahasiah is to request admission into the classroom of the most sacred mysteries—those jealously guarded by the stars and celestial forces. He is a companion for those thirsty for wisdom, those who see in each element of nature an open book, eager to be read.

For those in need of support, vigor and guidance, he extends his invisible hand. If you are looking for a window into what is to come or wish to understand truths that slip through the fingers of ordinary reason, this angel whispers into the spirit’s ear.

Those under his protective wing find themselves impregnable to negative inclinations; such is the power of Hahasiah that one touched by his grace becomes a sanctuary for others, a refuge where shadows dissipate and light renews.

Hahasiah’s dominion over dreams is a chapter apart. These are not mere daydreams, but revelations speaking in the symbolic language of the subconscious. Those favored by this angel are capable of deciphering these nocturnal messages, without the need for intermediaries. In their dreams, they find keys and understandings that elude many.

If your quest leads you to unravel the most sublime mysteries, to comprehend the twists of fate, or to heal the wounds of yesterday, the presence of Hahasiah may be the thread of Ariadne that guides you through the labyrinth towards the light of truth and supreme wisdom.

How to invoke the Angel 51 Hahasiah (dates and times)

  • Schedule: 16:40 to 17:00
  • Regency Jewish calendar: 24 to 28 of Cheshvan, 5785
  • Gregorian calendar regency: November 25 to 29, May 10, July 21, October 1, December 12 and February 22

Dates indicated refer to the year of regency approximately to the year 2024. The physical angel determines the position of the Sun by quinary (set of five degrees) in your birth chart. The emotional angel by the position of the sun by zodiac degree and the mental angel depends on the actual local time of birth. A precise calculation is needed. If you are interested in actually discovering your birth angels corresponding to the day of your birth, click here

Angel Number 51 Hahasiah,

Hebrew Letter Angel 51 Hahasiah

Angel Number 51 Hahasiah,


For Past Forgiveness (Teshuvah)

For detailed learning on how to invoke and meditate with the 72 Names of God, please visit the link provided below >>

Psalm 104, Verse 31

Angel Number 51 Hahasiah,
Be the glory of the Lord forever; Rejoice, O Lord, in your works.

The Magic of Living Under the Light of Angel 51 Hahasiah: Balance, Wisdom and Celestial Harmony in Your Life

At the heart of this celestial matrix, we find Hahasiah, Angel number 51, whose reign is a true poem for the soul in search of knowledge and balance.

Imagine for a moment that your life is an orchestra where each instrument seeks perfect harmony. Those who feel the influence of Hahasiah are like born conductors, seeking not only the melody in their own lives but also inspiring others to find their own symphony.

For them, nature is not just a green space or a landscape to admire; it is a living classroom where each element teaches profound lessons about our existence.

With an almost detective-like approach, these individuals go beyond pre-made answers. For them, every problem, every challenge is an opportunity to explore untrodden paths towards deeper truth.

In the realm of emotions, they are not content with superficial or fleeting loves; they seek relationships that nourish their soul and broaden their spiritual horizon.

Finding the balance between caring for the body and nurturing the spirit is one of their highest aspirations. It is no wonder that those around them see them as natural advisors: people with an ear to listen, a word to comfort and a large heart to welcome.

Peace is their banner and they understand that adversities are but bridges to a deeper understanding of the divine, both within and outside ourselves. They prefer the authentic and the simple; nature is their sanctuary and they are sensitive to artistic expressions such as poetry, music and anything that awakens the senses and the spirit.

For those governed by Hahasiah, studying is not an obligation, but an exciting journey into the depths of universal wisdom. The natural world is their laboratory and in it, they seek to decipher the secret language of animals, plants and minerals. This quest for knowledge is conducted with purity, creativity and an almost magical intuition.

Unbeknownst to them, they become masters of the esoteric and their voice gains authority on topics that go beyond the tangible. It is not unusual for them to experience moments of revelation and profound learning that seem to come from a higher spiritual source.

Professionally, science and technology are areas that fascinate them, as their gaze is fixed on the future. Biology and medicine are fields where their natural inclination to care for and understand life can thrive and where their inner light can shine brightest.

Individuals under the influence of Hahasiah are true temples of mystery, custodians of knowledge that transcends the everyday and is always in search of manifesting divine truth on Earth.

Negative Aspects (Qliphoth Angel 51): King Balam

Between Cunning and Invisibility

Within the tradition of Western demonology, a name that stands out in this hierarchy is that of King Balam, a being of considerable power and unique attributes, listed as the fifty-first spirit in the texts that describe the 72 demons who, according to legend, were subdued by King Solomon.

King Balam, a ruler of over forty legions of spirits, possesses a knowledge that transcends time: he understands the whispers of the past, perceives the events of the present and deciphers the mysteries of the future. His wisdom is such that those who seek his counsel may find themselves imbued with sharp wit, penetrating intelligence and a mental dexterity that surpasses the ordinary.

But his gifts are not limited to the intellect; Balam offers a very unique form of protection: spiritual invisibility. This ability allows whoever possesses it to go unnoticed by the eyes of malevolent entities, an invaluable tool to safeguard wellbeing in dimensions where less benevolent spirits prowl.

In addition to his cognitive and protective abilities, King Balam is known for endowing mortals with a charm and ingenuity that enrich their interactions and allow them to navigate with grace and cunning through the complexities of human relations.

Visually, the representation of Balam is as diverse as his skills. He is shown with three distinctive heads: the first corresponds to the strength and tenacity of a buffalo; the second reflects the cunning and versatility of a man; the third evokes the sagacity and vigilance of a goat.

A serpent’s tail adorns his figure, symbolizing transformation and renewal, while his eyes burn with the fire of hidden knowledge. King Balam rides upon a furious bear, a manifestation of untamed power and authority and carries a falcon on his fist, emblematic of his keen vision and mastery.

The voice with which this demon speaks is hoarse, resonating with the echoes of authority and depth that his infernal lineage confers.

In the study of demonology, King Balam is often compared and contrasted with his angelic counterpart in the Tree of Sefirot, reflecting the balance of opposing forces that persist in many esoteric traditions. The knowledge of such entities is not merely academic but is part of a rich tapestry of symbolism and metaphysics that continues to influence contemporary culture.

For the modern professional with inclinations toward the esoteric and an appreciation for archaic symbolism, the study of King Balam offers an intriguing perspective on the duality of wisdom and spiritual influence and how these can manifest in the fabric of our everyday reality.

Legend of the Angel Hahasiah: Chronicle of an Astounding Discovery

In the heart of a village sheltered by ancient trees and whispering rivers, the story of a young man whose name, Vejur, had become interwoven in the collective memory like a golden thread in an ancient tapestry, was told.

His uniqueness lay in an insatiable spirit for knowledge, a thirst for wisdom that set him apart from the youthful bustle and led him, invariably, to the sanctuary of learning: the library.

It was there that Vejur found his refuge, among dusty shelves and ancient volumes that whispered secrets to those willing to listen. In the depths of that cathedral of knowledge, time lost its rigor and hours slipped away like dewdrops on the skin of the printed pages.

Medicine, that ancestral art and science of mysteries, had captured the young soul of Vejur since his tenderest childhood. Pages dedicated to physiology, anatomy and pathologies were devoured with a voracity known only to those who seek to unravel the enigmas of life itself.

Even in the dawn of his academic formation, there was no doubt that Vejur was predestined to become a physician of immense stature, a healer not only of bodies but also of souls. His aspiration was nothing less than to dedicate his existence to the service of those who suffered any ailment.

Yet his intellectual search was far from over. Profound questions assailed his restless mind. Why does illness besiege some while avoiding others? What mysteries govern the recovery of some patients and not others, even when the treatment is identical?

And it was in the twilight of an ordinary day when fate decided to intervene unexpectedly. As Vejur delved into the study of ancient texts, a volume dislodged from its place on the shelf found its destiny in the young man’s hands.

The dull thud of the book hitting the floor was the prelude to an astounding discovery.

The time, worn by the passage of centuries, bore signs and figures that defied his understanding, written in the ancestral language of Hebrew, a language alien to him. Nonetheless, one drawing, in particular, caught his attention powerfully: a diagram of the Kabbalistic magic focused on the healing of the four bodies.

With widened eyes and a sharp mind, Vejur read the text that claimed to be the work of Hahasiah, servant of the supreme divinity. This manual was a legacy of celestial wisdom, a guide granted by the Seven Great Logoi, bearers of primordial knowledge.

As Vejur absorbed every word, a profound understanding began to germinate within him. The hidden reasons behind well-being and illness were revealed to him, exposing the existence of ten divine inner dwellings that reflected their influence on each organ of the human body.

Over the years, the young Vejur emerged as a physician whose fame transcended borders. He not only healed physical ailments but also attended to the spirit, that supreme domain that truly rules our being.

And so, the legend of the angel Hahasiah, a symbol of healing and hope, was perpetuated through the story of Vejur, the physician whose life became a testimony to the healing power not only of medicine but also of knowledge and the human spirit.

Angels of November

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