
The ancient art of meditation, where silence becomes your guide and your breath the bridge to tranquility. Here, in this sacred space, the mind is set free, allowing you to connect with the universe and uncover the inner peace you seek.

Meditation for Children: An Art of Balance and Peace

Enseñar a meditar a los niños

By integrating meditation into their routines, children not only improve their immediate well-being but also lay the groundwork for a bright future. These practices cultivate valuable skills such as empathy and self-acceptance, which are essential for their personal growth and collective well-being.

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Matthieu Ricard: Happiness Through Meditation

Matthieu Ricard

Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk with a remarkable life story, from his intellectual youth in Paris to his spiritual retreat in Kathmandu, has been declared the world’s happiest man by researchers. How constant practice of meditation has transformed his brain, proving that happiness is a skill that can be developed.

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