Self Help

Articles, information, and reference on personal development and self-help, activities that enhance awareness and identity, and development of personal skills and self-potential.

How can I let go of resentment?

forgive / perdonar

Resentment can cause illness, so how can we release it. Today we want to talk to you about the difference between forgiveness and apology. Yes, these concepts are different, and you probably think they have to do with forgetting, but it is not so.


Full-featured live and in-depth experience

Vive plenamente y con detalle / Live fully and in detail

Today’s life is full of the hustle and bustle and stress. It is easy to lose sight of the joy of living and instead focus on fulfilling our responsibilities and meeting the challenges that come our way. We miss out on the wonder that is present in every moment and we fail to live each moment to the fullest.


Zen Philosophy

Filosofía Zen / Zen Philosophy

Zen philosophy is an ancient philosophical and spiritual tradition that originated in India and developed in China and Japan. This philosophy is based on the practice of meditation and the search for a deep and transcendent understanding of reality.


Family of Souls

Familia de Almas / Family of Souls

The family of souls is a concept that refers to the idea that we are all part of the same family. This idea is based on the common belief that all human beings are part of the same essence and therefore share many similar experiences and stories.

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