How can I let go of resentment?

How can I let go of resentment?,

Thinking about the habits that hinder our happiness, we would probably mention things like worries, stress, haste and the multitude of pending tasks that each one of us has.

How to let go of resentment: Difference Between Forgiving and Apologizing

However we can’t deny that what hurts us the most is the resentment, hatred and anger, we may have towards someone who voluntarily or involuntarily hurt us.


Resentment can cause illness, so how can we release it. Today we want to talk to you about the difference between forgiveness and apology. Yes, these concepts are different, and you probably think they have to do with forgetting, but it is not so.

We all have a good memory, unless of course some kind of impairment diminishes our cognitive abilities. If we chose to, we could remember the offenses we have received, but that does not mean that we have not forgiven.

Forgiveness is not related to forgetting. There are situations that, even if we want to, it is impossible to forget, but they can be forgiven or excused. This is the difference.


You understand why you were offended the person was exhausted, had problems at home, was sick or drunk. You understand the reason and even though you probably don’t justify it, but you let it go: that’s called apologizing.


You cannot understand why they caused you so much harm after so much affection, affection and love: you forgive them. There is no other option. Otherwise, without apologizing or forgiving, you will cause more harm to yourself than to the person who hurt you.

Forgiveness is not easy, may take days, months or even years, but when it is finally achieved, the blessings do not take long to arrive. The wound may still be present, but it no longer hurts, which indicates that it has been forgiven.

We must discard hatreds and grudges, and make the firm decision to free ourselves from them. If we must forgive, let us do it now. If someone asks for forgiveness for an offense, let us forgive, but from the heart, without letting any rancor or remorse remain in our soul.

If we are offered an apology, let us accept it, since the one who offers it acknowledges his guilt. If we believe that we cannot forget the offense, it does not matter, at least we have purified it with the water of forgiveness.

What is holding you back from moving forward because of unresolved forgiveness?

Releasing these negative feelings is essential to moving forward in life. Although we are not free from difficulties, we can choose to be happy and do our best to live a fulfilling life.

How can we achieve sincere forgiveness or apology on a psychological level?

Forgiving or sincerely apologizing on a psychological level may require a process of reflection and hard emotional work. Some steps that can help you overcome:

  • You must learn to recognize and accept your negative feelings toward the person, or situation is an important step in the process of forgiving or apologizing.
  • Try to understand what motivations and circumstances are behind the action of the person who offended you.
  • Instead of focusing on the offense that was done to you, focus on your own feelings and how you can release them.
  • How about putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and trying to understand their feelings and motivations.
  • You could talk openly with the person who offended you about how you felt and why you need to forgive or apologize.
  • Practicing gratitude and compassion toward yourself and others may help you release negative feelings and encourage forgiveness.
  • If you find it difficult to forgive or apologize on your own, you should consider seeking help from a therapist or professional counselor.

Is critical to remember that the process of forgiveness and apology is personal and may be different for each person. The important thing is that you find what works best for you and move forward.