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The importance of detail in life and how we often fail to recognize the ability to be amazed by those who make their lives a work of art.

Living Fully and with Detail: How to Treat Others and Be Treated

Our lives are works of art because we are masterpieces created in the image and likeness of God. Treating others as we would like to be treated will help us identify four types of people.

Today’s life is full of the hustle and bustle and stress. It is easy to lose sight of the joy of living and instead focus on fulfilling our responsibilities and meeting the challenges that come our way. We miss out on the wonder that is present in every moment and we fail to live each moment to the fullest.

We often And we often forget to thank those who take care of every detail to make us happy.

Michelangelo, a talented Renaissance artist known for his sculpture and painting, created masterpieces such as the Pieta, David and Moses. He once said:


“Great works of art are the result of many small details.”

Even our lives are works of art. God made us in His image and likeness, so we are a masterpiece. However, as time passes, some people neglect the details and focus only on surviving.

After reflecting on this topic, we have concluded that there are four types of people:

  1. Detail person
  2. Non-picky person
  3. Those who were once detail-oriented are no longer
  4. Those who were not detail-oriented but have become detail-oriented again

Detail Person

People who are detail-oriented are those who stand out by the way they are, work, or act. They make every moment a celebration with their smile, warm greeting and the way they greet us or work. It is hard to forget them because they make us feel special.

Even in the kitchen, they give a special touch to the food and the place where they serve it, always trying to make us feel welcome.

Courtesy is a fundamental aspect of making a good impression, but unfortunately, many men forget it over time. Little things like opening the door, pulling out a chair, or letting her in first can make a big difference.

You would be surprised how many women appreciate little touches like being escorted in public, receiving a frequent “I love you”, returning phone calls with enthusiasm, remembering important dates, etc.

But many men who receive these details do not appreciate them as they should. That is, we like to be treated with kindness, but we are not always the same as others.

Non-picky person

Usually, this type of behavior is a product of inherited culture. People tend to imitate patterns that are not beneficial in love, friendship, or work because they have seen and experienced this type of behavior.

While some may justify their behavior as a form of authenticity and avoidance of hypocrisy, in reality, treating others well and making them feel good should be an obligation, not a sign of inauthenticity.

One should treat others as one would like to be treated. Those who are not detail-oriented often act recklessly and apathetically, without considering the consequences of their actions. In many cases, they regret it when they see relationships deteriorate.

Those Who Once Were Detail-Oriented Now Are Not

People who have grown tired of not receiving reciprocity in love, or those who have grown accustomed to having someone love them and have stopped nurturing the flame of love.

It’s painful to admit, but in a first relationship, we are charming and sometimes even excellent actors, but over time we forget the actions that made someone love us.

Those who were not detail-oriented but have become detail-oriented again

They are those who have learned the importance of details in a relationship. They are parents, children, siblings, friends and partners who, realizing that a relationship is deteriorating, choose to show their affection and love through small details.

We must remember that life is short and people often forget what they were told, but they never forget how they were made to feel. We invite you to reflect on those details that make you unique and unrepeatable, the actions or words that make you different from others.