Star of Ishtar meaning

estrella de ishtar / star of ishtar

The Star of Ishtar or Star of Inanna is a symbol of the ancient eastern Semitic goddess Ishtar (Anath, Astarte) and her Sumerian counterpart Inanna. The symbol is represented by an 8-pointed star which, together with the roaring lion, was one of the main symbols of Ishtar. In Babylonian symbolism, Ishtar was the goddess of love and beauty.


30 Days of Virgo Kabbalah

30 Days of Virgo Kabbalah / 30 Dias de Virgo Cabala

By spending time in the month of Virgo (Elul), paying attention to details, getting in touch with our divine nature and observing the impact of our behavior on others, we can ensure that our new year will be filled with energy and joy…


Animal symbolism vulture

Simbolismo del buitre / Animal symbolism vulture

In case you dream or have an unusual experience with a vulture, there are messages that this powerful animal is sending you. Usually, it happens when we go through difficult moments in our lives and we do not know how to solve them.


Our Emerging World and Sedna


Inuit sea goddess Sedna is also referred to as the mother or mistress of the sea and the goddess of the underworld. Although there are other versions of her story, the essential gist is that when she reaches marriageable age, she rejects every proposal and chooses to stay in the comfort of her parents’ house.

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