Monthly Astrological Report for July 2024

Monthly Astrological Report for July 2024,

Prepare for July 2024. Neptune in retrograde promises transformative changes and unexpected challenges. Discover how planetary transits will affect your daily life and make informed decisions during this crucial month.

Influence of Neptune and Other Planets in July 2024

In the coming weeks, the quality of time will be subtly influenced by Neptune. This planet, located at the end of the sign of Pisces and the zodiac, will begin its retrograde phase on July 2 at 29°56 of Pisces, delaying its entry into Aries. Neptune will remain in the last degrees of Pisces this month, moving slowly backward.

Neptune and New Beginnings

All the planets entering a new sign in July will form an aspect with Neptune, bringing with them the qualities of boundary and edge dissolution to their new beginnings.

Neptune’s transcendental influence is wonderful for mystical experiences, but it can create confusion and a lack of energy for everyday life. This month, it is crucial to stay alert, make clear agreements and establish conscious boundaries.

Initial Entries and Aspects

On July 2, Mercury leaves Cancer to enter Leo and forms a trine with Neptune.

This transit stimulates imagination and allows an intuitive understanding of complex relationships. The next day, Mercury reaches opposition with Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Cancer forms a trine with Saturn in Pisces. These aspects can bring significant messages that need to be examined carefully, as some people may exaggerate in their communications.

New Moon and Initiatives

On July 6, the New Moon in Cancer, well connected to Saturn and Mars, signals a favorable time to act on matters close to the heart.

Community or group matters are especially auspicious. In the realm of love, a bit of tact may be required due to Venus’ square with Chiron in Aries.

Influences of the Sun and Venus

On July 11, the Sun forms a trine with Saturn and Venus enters Leo, forming a trine with Neptune and an opposition with Pluto the next day.

This period strengthens confidence and allows for enthusiastic commitments. In love, it is an opportunity to advance with sincerity, always balancing giving and receiving.

Mars and Uranus: Action and Caution

On July 15, Mars joins Uranus in Taurus, while the Sun forms a square with Chiron in Aries.

The fighting spirit awakens and motivates decisive actions. Unexpected events can cause unrest in climatic, environmental and economic areas. It is crucial to carefully weigh the risks, as tensions may release suddenly and unpredictably.

Mars in Gemini and the Full Moon

Mars enters Gemini on July 20, forming a sextile with Neptune.

This can affect concentration and requires questioning what previously seemed clear. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21 highlights an exceptional moment, with the Sun in the last degree of Cancer and the Moon in conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius.

The harmonious aspects of Neptune and Mars indicate a good time to seek reconciliations and resolve emotional entanglements, thus releasing the necessary strength for the next steps.

Influences of the Sun and Mercury

On July 22, the Sun enters Leo and forms a trine with Neptune followed by an opposition with Pluto on the 23rd.

Mercury in Leo forms a square with Uranus and Mars a trine with Pluto. This period is characterized by discussions and arguments, with increased vitality and self-confidence. Fruitful and creative conversations can yield excellent results, though power plays may also arise.

Mercury in Virgo and Delicate Topics

On July 26, Mercury enters Virgo, making discussions more factual but delicate.

Mercury aligns complexly with Pluto and Neptune, forming an astrological pattern known as a Yod. Meanwhile, Chiron begins its retrograde, extending until the end of the year. This is a favorable time to practice compassion and avoid impulsive actions, as some of the issues at hand affect victims and may be controversial.

The planetary energies of July 2024 are ready to transform your life. With Neptune in retrograde and Mars in Gemini, it is the perfect time to reflect and plan. Take advantage of this unique period to strengthen your goals and achieve new milestones.