
Information and reference on Symbology in the mystical, esoteric and spiritual fields. Study of symbols, symbol system, as such.

Star of Ishtar meaning

estrella de ishtar / star of ishtar

The Star of Ishtar or Star of Inanna is a symbol of the ancient eastern Semitic goddess Ishtar (Anath, Astarte) and her Sumerian counterpart Inanna. The symbol is represented by an 8-pointed star which, together with the roaring lion, was one of the main symbols of Ishtar. In Babylonian symbolism, Ishtar was the goddess of love and beauty.


Animal symbolism vulture

Simbolismo del buitre / Animal symbolism vulture

In case you dream or have an unusual experience with a vulture, there are messages that this powerful animal is sending you. Usually, it happens when we go through difficult moments in our lives and we do not know how to solve them.
