Angel Number 19 Leuviah

Angel Number 19 Leuviah,

Number: 19
Tree of Life: Bina’s sphere
Planetary energy: Saturn
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Meaning: “God who helps sinners”
Prince: Archangel Tsaphkiel
Regency hours: 06:00 to 06:20

Angel 19 Leuviah: Transformation and Divine Connection

This name is associated with the energy of transformation and connection with divine light. It is used to invoke protection and aid in overcoming personal and spiritual challenges. Leuviah is considered a powerful angel of protection. Meditating on this name deflects negative influences and strengthens the individual’s connection with divine guidance and protective angels.

Kabbalists assure that using this name transforms adverse situations into opportunities for spiritual and personal growth. It inspires change and inner renewal. In the Tree of Life, this name is linked with the sefirah of Tiferet, which represents harmony, beauty and balance. Tiferet is the point of balance in the tree and is associated with the heart and compassion.

The Zohar, one of the fundamental texts of Kabbalah, explains that the 72 Names of God, including Leuviah, act as keys to unlock higher levels of spiritual understanding and connection with the Creator. Fully understanding its essence helps to redeem oneself and connect with Ana Be Koach, a practice discovered as an effective means to foster a deep and direct connection with the Divine.

On the other hand, Leuviah is mainly recognized for his unparalleled capacity for forgiveness. This angel dominates the spheres of intelligence and memory, strengthening these capacities in those who invoke him authentically. This remarkable influence can grant followers divine grace, allowing them to experience deeper forgiveness and understanding.

Additionally, Leuviah plays a protective and healing role concerning our physical body and health. Through his influence, we receive significant help in caring for our health and general well-being, strengthening our resilience and recovery from illnesses.

This angel also helps manifest divine will on Earth, guiding people to discover their primary mission in this incarnation. Connection with the divine provides invaluable clarity in the search for our vital purpose.

Prayers directed to Leuviah are heard and answered at the speed of light. The 19th angel of Kabbalah ensures effective and timely spiritual communication, acting as a bridge between humans and the Divine. Thus, Leuviah reveals himself not only as an angel of forgiveness and intelligence but also as a messenger of divine answers.

Schedules and Dates of Angel 19’s Regency

  • Schedule: 06:00 to 06:20
  • Jewish Calendar 5784: 14 to 20 Sivan
  • Gregorian Calendar 2024: June 20 to 26, April 7, June 20, September 4, November 15 and January 25

The dates indicated refer to the year of reign for the current year.

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Under the Light of Leuviah: Unique Profile of Those Born Under the Regency of the Angel 19 of Kabbalah

Those born under the regency of this angel have distinctive characteristics that differentiate them and give them a unique place in the human mosaic.

The Leuviah protected are people of remarkable intelligence and understanding, dedicating their lives to promoting the well-being of others. In them, fertility is a constant presence, evidenced by their creative spirit and their drive to undertake projects with originality and dedication. This makes them natural leaders, capable of guiding others with vision and enthusiasm.

The changes do not represent an obstacle for them but rather, their high capacity for adaptation allows them to face transitions and new situations positively, thus favoring the advancement of their plans and ideals.

They stand out for their kindness, joviality and modesty both in words and in their way of being. In the face of adversity, they show exemplary patience and resignation, since they understand that these challenges are ways of growth and evolution, both material and spiritual.

Their curiosity is insatiable, they are always willing to learn from all experiences. They have a remarkable cultural refinement, with an inclination towards music, poetry and the arts in general.

One of the most surprising aspects is the angelic protection they enjoy against adversaries or entities that seek to harm them. This protection is manifested as a great wall of etheric light, invisible to the eyes of the common observer.

These people have an enviable command over the events of their lives, achieving divine grace by remaining firm and determined in the fight for their ideals. They are eloquent, creative, original and bold, capable of facing any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem.

Memory is one of their greatest gifts, a virtue that, combined with their persistence, makes it easier for them to achieve their goals. It’s common to find these people excelling in fields such as literature and science.

In the professional field, they are attracted to activities related to archaeology, museums and the preservation of the memory of the past through books and archives. As hobbies, they might lean towards making objects to connect with angels or creating manuals to develop and strengthen memory. All of this shows his innate link with the angel Leuviah and its impact on the richness of his existence.

Angels of June