Angel Number 25 Nith-Haiah

Angel Number 25 Nith-Haiah,

Number: 25
Tree of Life: Jesed’s sphere “compassion”
Meaning: “God who gives wisdom”
Planetary energies: Jupiter and Uranus
Zodiac sign: Leo
Zodiac Regency: 0° to 5° Leo, 24° Aries, 5° Cancer, 16° Virgo, 30° Scorpio and 11° Aquarius
Prince: Archangel Tsadkiel
Regency hours: 08:00 to 08:20

Angel 25 Nith-Haiah: Your Guide to the Truth

Out of the 72 divine names of God, the angel Nith-Haiah holds the 25th position, beckoning us to stir the wisdom inherent within ourselves and connect us with the profound mysteries of the cosmos.

Nith-Haiah serves as our celestial beacon, a luminous guide that banishes the shadows of unawareness. One under his influence experiences the vibrancy of a Spiritual Mentor, reconnecting us with the internal wisdom we often overlook amidst the turmoil of daily life.

Angel 25 is the divine whisper in our ear, instilling within us a burning passion for wisdom and an insatiable curiosity for learning. He becomes our confidante in the timeless pursuit of decoding life’s secrets and the universe’s enigmas, aiding us in unveiling the hidden beauty of existence.

An adept in the craft of white magic, Nith-Haiah’s influence, although subtle, is potent. It broadens our perspectives and unveils revelations that result in a distinct tranquility, a byproduct of true understanding. To call upon Nith-Haiah is to pursue the tranquility and truth that stem from his wisdom.

Nith-Haiah embodies the unspoken friend who nurtures love and wisdom within every heart. He serves as a conduit to transcendence, a bridge spanning the chasm between the terrestrial and celestial, the human and the sacred. He encourages solitude, not as a state of isolation but as a sanctuary for profound introspection and connection with the core of existence.

This heavenly patron becomes the guardian of preference for those who delve into the mysteries of Kabbalah and the metaphysical universe. Under his watchful protection, you are empowered to attain your heart’s desires, always guided by the illuminating path of truth and wisdom.

Nith-Haiah, more than a protector, is your mentor, companion and ally. He will guide you to find the serene haven, ideal for practicing meditation and immersing yourself in the boundless seas of knowledge.

The Mystery of Invoking the Angel 25 Nith-Haiah: Complete Guide to Dates and Times

  • Schedule: 08:00 to 08:20
  • Jewish calendar regency: 12 to 16 Tammuz, 5784
  • Gregorian calendar regency: July 18 to 22, April 13, June 24, September 4, November 15 and January 26

Dates indicated refer to the year of regency approximately to the year 2024. The physical angel determines the position of the Sun by quinary (set of five degrees) in your birth chart. The emotional angel by the position of the sun by zodiac degree and the mental angel depends on the actual local time of birth. A precise calculation is needed. If you are interested in actually discovering your birth angels corresponding to the day of your birth, click here

Angel Number 25 Nith-Haiah,

Hebrew Letter Angel 25 Nith-Haiah

Angel Number 25 Nith-Haiah,


Connecting with the Truth

For detailed learning on how to invoke and meditate with the 72 Names of God, please visit the link provided below >>

Psalm 34, Verse 5

Angel Number 25 Nith-Haiah,
I called upon the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Angel Energy 25 Nith-Haiah: A Guide for Those Born Under His Guardianship

Those born under the watchful protection of the angel Nith-Haiah are individuals deeply rooted in spiritual connections, inherently understanding the mysteries of the cosmos. This celestial being originating from the loftiest realms of the Kabbalah, bestows upon them unparalleled wisdom and intuition, fostering their development as leaders and advisors.

Those safeguarded by Nith-Haiah serve as luminous beacons in obscurity, perpetually a step ahead, illuminating paths with their foresight and perceptiveness. Their innate intuition allows them to harness their instincts, guiding them during uncertain times.

While they may appear somewhat reserved, these individuals harbor a sociable spirit. They find solace in research and reading, creating a peaceful sanctuary where they can delve into their thoughts and ruminations undisturbed.

Nith-Haiah imbues them with tranquility, equilibrium and self-discipline — key traits that smooth the road to emotional, professional and financial stability. Moreover, this divine entity infuses them with extraordinary benevolence, enabling them to extend kindness even towards their foes.

These individuals display a notable propensity for self-education, seemingly possessing an insatiable curiosity in areas that captivate them. Their intrinsic fascination with esoteric sciences may grant them paranormal abilities and their earnest desire to comprehend the nature of evil serves one goal: to counterbalance it with goodness.

The angel Nith-Haiah imparts a unique talent for prayers and rituals, allowing them to summon revelations and exert a positive influence on those around them. They harbor a deep affinity for peace, solitude and contemplation, seeking answers to their queries within nature’s enigmas.

From an early age, those shielded by Nith-Haiah exhibit profound understanding. They are not interrogators, but keen observers who enjoy robust spiritual protection from their higher guardians.

In their professional lives, they often flourish as psychologists, writers, scientists or in any occupation linked with esotericism. This guardian angel blesses them not only with wisdom and intuition but also with a fondness for tranquility and a profound comprehension of the universe’s mysteries.

Qliphoth Angel 25: The Count/President Glasya-Labolas

He exerts his dominion over thirty-six legions of demons, positioning him as an entity of considerable power and influence in the underworld. His ability to incite murder and bloodshed underscores his bellicose nature and predisposition towards the instigation of conflicts and violence.

Possesses skills that allow him to grant invisibility to those who invoke him, a faculty that can be used both to evade the perception of enemies and to perpetrate acts without detection.

Is revered for his vast knowledge of past and future events, a competence that affords him a unique perspective on the flow of time and allows him to foresee occurrences or unearth forgotten secrets. He can influence minds, resulting in the reconciliation of friends and foes, a skill that highlights his power to manipulate relationships and social perception at will.

Likewise, this demon provides instant knowledge about all arts and sciences, a gift that demonstrates his mastery over all fields of human and superhuman knowledge.

The representation of Glasya-Labolas as a dog with griffin wings is not merely aesthetic but symbolizes his fierce nature and capacity to transcend terrestrial and aerial boundaries, reflecting his dominion over both physical and spiritual realms.

On the other hand, despite his vast capabilities and knowledge, recourse to Glasya-Labolas must be approached with caution, due to his inclination towards violence and chaos. Although he can be a powerful ally, his unpredictable and potentially malevolent nature poses significant risks.

Legend of the Angel 25 Nith-Haiah

The Journey of Redemption of the Wizard Nith-Haiah

Once upon a time, a passionate apprentice of magic named Nith-Haiah spent twelve years studying under the wise eyes of the magicians of the Great Temple of Mysteries. Despite the challenges he had to face to become a disciple of one of the seven Masters, his devotion to learning allowed him to stand out, earning the admiration and affection of his mentors.

In her fourth year, Nith-Haiah had already unraveled the most precious secrets of magic. However, his desire to share his knowledge led him to neglect the most basic lessons of behavior. His teacher warned him:

“You should always act with selflessness and, above all, humility when using your power to help others.”

The dream day has arrived. Nith-Haiah, who was once an inexperienced apprentice, emerged as an expert teacher. He was faced with the choice of remaining in the Temple as a teacher or embarking on an adventure to unravel unknown mysteries and chose the second option.

He left with a small bag full of medicinal creams as his only possession. Didn’t need more, because the High Priests of each community he visited welcomed and cared for him. His vibrant energy always guided him to the poorest areas of each place.

Nith-Haiah, eager to prove his magic, thought about how to impact the poor community that lay in front of him. He decided to call on the forces of nature to win people’s sympathy. He summoned elves to create winds, salamanders to unleash thunder and undines to rain on the town.

But his spell set off a storm that ruined the town’s crops, foreshadowing a future of hunger and despair. Nith-Haiah, seeing the disaster he had caused, remembered the words of his teacher:

“If there is no humility in your actions, don’t use your power.”

The magician, terrified by the consequences of his arrogance, understood that he must correct his mistake. He invoked gnomes, spirits of the earth, to help restore damaged fields without anyone noticing.

From that day on, Nith-Haiah learned the valuable lesson that her power should be used humbly and always for just reasons. And so, the former apprentice, now a wise and compassionate magician, continued his journey, always remembering the true purpose of his magic.

Angels of July

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