
Explore the secrets of astrology and how the stars influence your life. Discover detailed horoscopes and in-depth analyses of how planetary movements affect your energy and destiny. Connect with the cosmos and discover your true spiritual path.

Horoscopes Month Libra


The start of the Libra season is set for September 22–23, 2022, the day of the Equinox. As we approach the midpoint of the astrological year, the Equinox signifies a turning point and Libra is the ideal zodiac to lead us through this transitional period.


Tips to know someone’s sign

Trucos para conocer el signo de alguien / Tricks to know the sign of someone

Although horoscopes are more popular than ever, not everyone is comfortable talking about their natal chart or other personal information. We offer you some professional tips for getting to know someone’s sign without getting up close and personal with them.


Wheel of Fortune Astrology

Rueda de la Fortuna Astrología / Wheel of Fortune Astrology

We will reveal to you the point of benefit that each person has from the moment of birth and favors existence through Karmic Astrology in these times when financial uncertainties, emotional problems and worries seem to triumph over love.


Retrograde planets in September

Retrograde planets / Planetas Retrogrados

In September 2022, 6 planets will be retrograde, which will account for more than half of the stars in the solar system, plus Mercury considered the most chaotic in astrology. The rest of the celestial bodies that complete the list are Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto, which went retrograde before the beginning of the month.


Pallas Athena Astrology

Pallas Athena

Pallas Athena is like a female version of Mars, but with more intelligence and culture. She is a warrior goddess, but unlike the red planet, she does not use force or follow her impulses and instincts, but uses strategy and flaunts her intellect.


Our Emerging World and Sedna


Inuit sea goddess Sedna is also referred to as the mother or mistress of the sea and the goddess of the underworld. Although there are other versions of her story, the essential gist is that when she reaches marriageable age, she rejects every proposal and chooses to stay in the comfort of her parents’ house.
