
Everything you need to know about astrology, celestial events, constellations, zodiac signs and much more. Check your horoscope, learn about cartomancy and the interpretation of your birth chart in our articles and resources. Expand your astrological knowledge and harness the power of the cosmos.

Sturgeon full moon meaning

Sturgeon Full Moon Meaning / Luna Llena de Esturion

The August full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon and we tell you what its spiritual significance is, according to astrology. It will be the last supermoon of the year, which means that it will reach its closest point to the Earth and will appear larger than usual.


Uranus Mars conjunction

Planeta Urano / Planet Uranus

A few days ago, there was a conjunction between Mars and Uranus, in the sign of Taurus, coincidence that the two stars were placed in a cosmic state “fall”, in this zodiacal band and thus changed the energies of both.


Jupiter Retrograde


Jupiter retrograde invites us to challenge our beliefs and review our weaknesses and what we need to change to have a more positive mindset. This inner journey forces us to step out of our comfort zone and see from another perspective the truth of current situations.


New Moon in Leo 2022

Luna Nueva en Leo / New Moon in Leo

The New Moon in Leo always comes at the coldest time of the year for the Southern Hemisphere and at the hottest time of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. This time is the hottest in the Northern Hemisphere, but the most relevant thing about a New Moon is that this is the moment when we start a new cycle of action…

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