Super Full Moon in Aquarius

Super Full Moon in Aquarius,

Do you recall what might have been brewing for you on June 14 under the light of that Super Full Moon? The third and last Super Full Moon of the year will occur on August 11 after a sequence of three Super Full Moons began in June.

August 2022 Aquarius Super Full Moon

We might get a sense of culmination or closure once we arrive at this stage in our journey. If you can pinpoint what was stirring inside of you in June, you might discover that in August you are either nearing the destination of this trip or are at a crossroads where a choice must be made.

Super Full Moons, in particular, constantly draw our attention to the things that need to be let go of in our lives. They make everything that needs to be eliminated visible to us so that we can continue to grow and advance along our path.

The Full Moon in August

Falls in Aquarius, the water bearer’s air sign.

The water bearer is a symbol of transformation and healing. It possesses the ability to collect “water,” or the emotional and psychic energy of the world around us, in its vessel and clear it with the power of the breath before returning it to the Earth.

Because Aquarian energy will be strong during this Full Moon, we can use it to connect with the water gift. bearers. We can use the power of our breath to transform the dense, heavy, negative, or bereaved energies around us into something lighter, hopeful and loving.

During this time, allow compassion to shine from your heart. August 2022 Aquarius Super Full Moon Allow the August Full Moon to keep your heart full of the love you have received and will continue to receive.

The August Full Moon, as the year’s final Super Moon, may also bring us closure or guide us to a decision point on our journey. We might now know exactly which way to go. We may now know which route we must take to reach our desired destination.

Under this Full Moon

Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is very active. When Saturn is active, it can put pressure on us to take more responsibility for our actions and to make sure we are moving in the direction of our higher self.

If you are taking actions that are not in alignment with your soul, or if you are ignoring some of your responsibilities, this Full Moon may bring this to your attention.

Saturn’s lessons can be harsh at times

But they always provide opportunities for greater growth.

Saturn will lend its support and help you reach heights you never thought possible if you are willing to show up, do the work and take ownership of your life’s direction.

When you complete the tasks assigned to you by Saturn, you may experience success, honor and rewards. The August Full Moon is also near the Uranus North Node conjunction, which is the major cosmic energy we are working with all month.

This cosmic energy is about to shake things up and bring instability to things we thought were stable. This is happening on a larger scale than on a personal level and it may spark discussions about farming, agriculture, natural resources and finance.

We’ve already seen a lot of issues emerge in these areas, but the Uranus North Node conjunction will continue to reveal things, allowing us to eventually make long-term, sustainable changes that will hopefully propel us to a higher state of collective destiny!

On a personal level

The Full Moon activating the Uranus North Node energies may cause us to consider what we can truly rely on and how to navigate any sense of insecurity that has arisen in our lives.

We may need to change our ways to adapt, or we may need to decide whether we want to continue on the path we are on.

You can read more about the Uranus North Node energies here, but this Full Moon will ultimately serve as a catalyst to help bring more of this energy into our awareness and the fabric of our larger society.

The combination of energy stirred up by the August Full Moon has the potential to make it feel harsh. When the Saturn-Uranus North Node conjunction is activated, we may feel heavy or extra sensitive and emotional.

When Saturn’s energy is strong

We can often feel suffocated or stifled. And when Uranus’s energy is strong, we can feel unsettled, uneasy, or a sense that change is on the way. The Moon then acts as an emotional amplifier, amplifying all of our feelings.

The best way to navigate through all of this energy is to remember Aquarius’ healing gifts. Remember that our breath has the power to regulate our mind, body and emotions.

We have no control over what happens in the world around us or the events that unfold, but we do have control over how we choose to show up, how we choose to handle things and what we choose to give our energy to.

Make a conscious decision to devote your energy to all that fills you up during this Full Moon. Make a conscious decision to see things in a way that honors your truth while also bringing peace. Allow your heart to shine brightly like the full Moon.

The article has been adapted for from its original author: Tanaaz
Is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire.