Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter Retrograde, InfoMistico.com

The reverse transit of Jupiter is more positive than negative, this is because the giant of the Solar System rules prosperity, fortune and luck.

Jupiter retrograde, what to do and not do?

When retrograde does not mean that we will be unfortunate, although we could experience delays in our dreams and we will have to wait longer to receive good news, growth manifests internally.

Jupiter retrograde invites us to challenge our beliefs and review our weaknesses and what we need to change to have a more positive mindset. This inner journey forces us to step out of our comfort zone and see from another perspective the truth of current situations.

This is a perfect time to find out what bad habits are preventing us from moving forward, analyze them and abandon them to move forward.

So, to make the most of this energy, astrologers share with us what to do and what not to do during the Jupiter retrograde that will span from July 28 to November 23, 2022.

When Jupiter is retrograde, what to do

  • Analyze and correct: look at the big picture of our lives and see where we need to make adjustments.
  • Evaluate the course of our energy: review in which areas our efforts have had an effect and in which others we have wasted time, money and energy.
  • Leave resentments: it is the ideal time to get rid of negative emotions, act more positively, reflect and be grateful for what we have.
  • Take care of feelings: Jupiter retrograde asks us to prioritize our emotional well-being and mental health.
  • Try new things: this transit has as its theme the “inner self”, so practices such as philosophy, metaphysics, meditation and life lessons gain more strength.
    Ask ourselves if we feel comfortable with the change: analyze if the direction our life is taking is the one we want and, if necessary, make adjustments.

What not to do when Jupiter is retrograde

  • Escape from reality: there will be situations, thoughts, or things that stress and disturb us. You should not shy away from them, but face them and resolve them.
  • Assume responsibilities that do not correspond to us: Jupiter retrograde is inner growth, so you have to let others have their development.
  • Be lazy: mental and physical laziness are the main enemies of this transit. To take advantage of its energy, we must get down to work.
  • Not committing oneself: if we have decided to undertake a spiritual practice, we must continue on this path and not abandon the ship.
  • Stagnation: refusing to change old attitudes, bad habits and beliefs and repressing emotions will be detrimental.

This article was adapted and translated by InfoMistico.com | Source: laopinion.com