
Everything you need to know about astrology, celestial events, constellations, zodiac signs and much more. Check your horoscope, learn about cartomancy and the interpretation of your birth chart in our articles and resources. Expand your astrological knowledge and harness the power of the cosmos.

Jupiter Retrograde


Jupiter retrograde invites us to challenge our beliefs and review our weaknesses and what we need to change to have a more positive mindset. This inner journey forces us to step out of our comfort zone and see from another perspective the truth of current situations.


New Moon in Leo 2022

Luna Nueva en Leo / New Moon in Leo

The New Moon in Leo always comes at the coldest time of the year for the Southern Hemisphere and at the hottest time of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. This time is the hottest in the Northern Hemisphere, but the most relevant thing about a New Moon is that this is the moment when we start a new cycle of action…


Sun in Leo meaning

Sol en Leo / Sun in Leo meaning

This Friday, July 22, the Sun enters the sign of Leo, its own house, where its energy will be in all its fullness and there it will remain until August 22; we will therefore have a solar month that will radiate its brightness in the area of our life where we have the sign of the lion.


Jupiter in Aries 2022 – 2023

Jupiter Aries

After 12 years, on May 11, 2022, Jupiter entered the sign of Aries, where it will remain until October 28, when it will return to Pisces, where it will spend its last walk through the last degrees of that sign ruled by Neptune, until December 21, when it will re-enter Aries, where it will remain until May 16, 2023, when it will finally settle in Taurus until May 2024.


Fashion and Astrology

Moda y Astrología / Fashion and Astrology

The fashion of people born under the same sign can be similar or, at least, be influenced by the people around them who share a sign. Fashion trends influenced by the zodiac tend to take off quickly, as people feel more connected to their astrological identity through clothing and accessories.
