
The mysterious world of esotericism, where science and spirituality converge. Ancient practices, from astrology to tarot, designed to reveal hidden secrets of the universe and your very being. Unlock your hidden potential today and experience the ultimate transformation.

Five planets in retrograde motion

five planets in retrograde motion / cinco planetas en movimiento retrogrado

The outer five planets are all retrograde this month august. These are the celestial bodies that have to do with how consciousness grows and how groups interact. Therefore, this is a month where we need to press the reset button in five different areas.


Put laurel in your shoe ritual

put laurel in shoes / colocar laurel zapato

Because it is believed to bring luck, it is very common to put a Laurel in the Shoe, but what is the true significance of this strange custom? One of the oldest spells to draw money is one that some people believe will bring success in all facets of life, including love.


Sturgeon full moon meaning

Sturgeon Full Moon Meaning / Luna Llena de Esturion

The August full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon and we tell you what its spiritual significance is, according to astrology. It will be the last supermoon of the year, which means that it will reach its closest point to the Earth and will appear larger than usual.


Uranus Mars conjunction

Planeta Urano / Planet Uranus

A few days ago, there was a conjunction between Mars and Uranus, in the sign of Taurus, coincidence that the two stars were placed in a cosmic state “fall”, in this zodiacal band and thus changed the energies of both.

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