Angel Number 33 Yehuiah

Angel Number 33 Yehuiah,

Number: 33
Tree of Life: Gevurah’s sphere
Planetary energy: Mars
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Meaning: “God who knows all things”
Prince: Archangel Camael
Regency hours: 10:40 to 11:00

Angel 33 Yehuiah: Banishing Shadows

The angel Yehuiah emerges as a beacon of light, banishing the shadows within us. His radiant and affirmative energy shines upon those who feel his touch, endowing them with a spirited and inventive ethos. This unique energy allows them to approach and successfully overcome the challenges they embark upon.

With the strength and resolve that are his hallmarks, Yehuiah not only propels us forward but also refines our very core, aiding us in shedding past insecurities and traumas. His presence stands as a consistent source of encouragement for our spiritual growth.

Beyond simply guiding our inner journey, Yehuiah is a bearer of wisdom and understanding. His profound knowledge reaches every corner of the cosmos.

In times of doubt or conflict, calling upon Yehuiah might be the shield that guards us. He serves as our protector, defending against those wishing harm, and steering us on a safe path. He is our beacon in the darkness, shielding us from temptation and ensuring we remain true to our essence.

Yehuiah is more than an angel; he is a lighthouse of hope, a pillar of strength, and an ever-flowing wellspring of wisdom. Inviting him into our lives is to open doors to a world abundant with light and opportunity.

Schedules and Dates of Angel 33’s Regency

  • Schedule: 10:40 to 11:00 AM
  • Jewish Calendar 5784: 28 Av to 4 Elul
  • Gregorian Calendar 2024: September 1 to 7, April 21, July 5, September 18, November 29 and February 8

The dates indicated refer to the year of reign for the current year.

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Individuals Guided by Angel 33 Yehuiah: Beacons of Light and Truth

Souls graced by the guardianship of Angel Yehuiah have a distinguishing character: they prize authenticity and truth above all. They fervently repudiate deceit and betrayal, leading them to judiciously select their inner circle. For them, the quality of relationships trumps the sheer number of friendships.

These individuals balance rationality with profound sensitivity. They are affectionate, fervent, and at times, may display a potent temperament. Yet, despite their impassioned nature, they are understanding, kind, and loving, earning the respect and acknowledgment of their peers.

Driven by a steadfast connection to the angelic realm, they have a clear purpose: to champion righteousness and tirelessly work for spiritual advancement, both for themselves and others. They are enlightened beings whose actions and words inspire and guide others on the path to illumination.

One of their most noble endeavors is combating ignorance. It’s not uncommon to find them championing education, be it through establishing learning spaces or contributing resources to bolster academic pursuits.

In matters of the heart, they seek a tranquil and harmonious home, as it is pivotal for their inner balance. Thus, they are exceptionally discerning in choosing their life partner.

Professionally, their optimism, tenacity, and attention to detail make them stand out. Whether in administrative, educational, social roles, or exact sciences, their ability to lead and guide shines brightly.

Those under Yehuiah’s guidance are special beings, bearers of light and wisdom, destined to make a positive mark on the world.

Angels of August