Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, a time for deep introspection, marks the beginning of the longest night of the year. It is a moment to connect with the darkness, reflect on the cycle of life and find the inner light that guides us through the darkness.

Solstices: Enchanting Halts of Light and Shadow

Magia de los solsticios

As the solstices herald a new cycle on Earth, they offer us the chance to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. These moments are ideal for reflecting on our experiences, integrating learning, and opening up to new possibilities. May the solstices inspire you to deeply connect with the magic of life, celebrating both moments of stillness and brilliant expression.


Solstice Dec 21: Night and Day at Earth’s Extremes

Solsticio de Invierno Verano

December 21st, the day of the Solstice, offers a unique opportunity to observe how nature marks a turning point in the year. While the Northern Hemisphere experiences the longest night, the South celebrates the longest day. This phenomenon is not just an astronomical event but a significant spiritual moment, where the universe’s energy is felt more intensely.
