
World of esotericism, a path of secret knowledge seeking profound understanding of reality. Explore ancient teachings, arcane symbols and spiritual practices that unveil the hidden nature of the universe.

Blessed Moon: A Celestial Spectacle

Luna Bendita / Blessed Moon

Imagine a night where the moon is dressed in its brightest mantle, the air is fresh and the symphony of crickets envelops you. This July 3, the Full Moon, known as the Blessed Moon, will be the center of a heavenly spectacle that includes a planetary conjunction. A time to dream and connect.


July 2023: Discover Your Truth

Luna Llena de Julio / Full moon July

This July 2023, the waves of life challenge you to embark on a journey to your deepest truths. Amidst a frenzy of energy and emotional swings, it’s time to face the internal battle and decide what you really want in your life. With the wheel in hand, do you dare to sail to new horizons?


Summer Solstice: A Magical Day

Solsticio de Verano

The summer solstice is a phenomenon that combines science and spirituality. Around June 21st, the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, and this has been a cause for celebration since ancient times. The rituals, bonfires and dances that have surrounded this day carry profound meanings and symbolism.
