
Oh God, you who dwell in the spiritual dimension beyond our understanding, you are the very essence of mysticism and esotericism. In you, we find the source of our inspiration and the guide for our path in the search for connection with the divine.

Vows Before God

Votos ante Dios / Vows before God

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel trapped in certain situations or relationships that limit you? It may be due to past vows you made to God that still weigh on you. But don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to free yourself from them and transform your life.

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Belief in the paranormal: Perception or Probability?

La fe es explicada científicamente / Faith is scientifically explained

Do you believe in the paranormal? Have you ever felt that there is something beyond what you can see and explain? A scientific study published in the British Journal of Psychology reveals that often our perception of reality is influenced by vague claims and our tendency to overestimate the truth in similar situations.

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When the Divine Calls: An Epiphany in Everyday Moments

Divino / Divine

In an era captivated by the spectacular, we often lose sight that the holy is frequently discovered in life’s simplest facets. This poignant narrative prompts us to reevaluate our focal points, rekindling a sense of compassion and largesse. Through a celestial being, a household grasps an indispensable lesson about discerning the divine in our daily existence.

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The Blacksmith and God: A Metaphor for Resilience

templar el acero / tempering steel

Life is full of paradoxes, and the spiritual journey is no exception. Through Lynell Waterman’s story about a blacksmith, we are given a deep reflection on the challenges we face in life. Using the analogy of steel, this blacksmith shares his perspective on how God shapes each individual with love, patience, and, when necessary, strictness.

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