
Oh God, you who dwell in the spiritual dimension beyond our understanding, you are the very essence of mysticism and esotericism. In you, we find the source of our inspiration and the guide for our path in the search for connection with the divine.

The Painting That Transformed an Auction

subasta / auction

The tale begins with a father and his son, deeply involved in the art world and separated by the harsh realities of war. However, in an auction where artworks by renowned masters were expected to take center stage, it was the portrait of this brave young man that captured everyone’s attention, revealing that the true value of art goes beyond the canvas.

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The Cunning Fox and the Benevolent Bear: A Divine Enigma

El Zorro y el Oso / The Fox and the Bear

Nature has its unique ways of imparting invaluable lessons. Amidst the verdant expanse of the forest, the story of the wounded Fox and the magnanimous Bear unravels a mystery that transcends the superficial, touching the human soul and sparking contemplations on faith, kindness, and humanity’s position in the grand tapestry of the cosmos.

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