The Blacksmith and God: A Metaphor for Resilience

The Blacksmith and God: A Metaphor for Resilience,

In a touching story, Lynell Waterman tells us about a blacksmith. After living a youth filled with mistakes and wrong choices, he made a radical decision: he committed his life and soul to God.

Forging the Steel: A Symbol of Resilience Before God

From that point on, he tirelessly worked for the well-being of others every day. He practiced charity and never wavered in his faith. However, despite all his dedication and effort, challenges seemed to increase in his life.

Contrary to expectations, his problems and debts grew daily. One evening, as the sun painted the horizon with colors, a close friend, concerned about the blacksmith’s ongoing struggles, told him:

“It’s truly ironic. Right after you choose to devote yourself to God and live by His teachings, it feels like your life has taken an even more challenging turn. I don’t wish to shake your faith, but despite your deep belief and hope in the divine, things don’t seem to get better.”

The blacksmith, with a thoughtful expression, took a moment before answering. He had contemplated this irony many times, and while he hadn’t found clear answers, didn’t want to leave his friend without one. Began to share an analogy that became clearer as he spoke. He said:

“In my workshop, raw steel arrives, and my job is to turn it into worthy battle swords. Have you ever wondered how this is achieved? I start by heating the metal until it glows a bright red. Then, without hesitation, I take a heavy hammer and strike the piece repeatedly, shaping it.”

“Then, in what might seem like a contradictory act, I plunge the glowing metal into a bucket of cold water. The sound of steam fills the room as the steel reacts to the sudden temperature change. This process is not done just once; it’s repeated until I create a flawless sword.”

Taking a pause, he continued:

“Not all steel withstands this demanding process. Sometimes, due to the heat, the strikes, or the cold water, cracks begin to show, indicating that a proper blade cannot be made. In such cases, I simply cast that metal aside, placing it in the scrap pile at the entrance.”

Lastly, with deep conviction, he concluded:

“I am aware that God, in some way, exposes me to the heat of trials and hardships. Even when life strikes me hard or I feel the coldness of despair, I ask only one thing of God:

“Don’t give up on me until I achieve the shape and purpose you envision for my life. Test me in any way, for as long as you deem necessary, but please, don’t cast me aside like discarded souls.”