
Everything you need to know about astrology, celestial events, constellations, zodiac signs and much more. Check your horoscope, learn about cartomancy and the interpretation of your birth chart in our articles and resources. Expand your astrological knowledge and harness the power of the cosmos.

Commitment-averse male zodiac signs

zodiaco masculinos / male zodiac

According to astrology, some male zodiac signs are reluctant to commit to having children, as they are concerned about raising and educating them. Starting a family is never on their agenda because, in general, these zodiac signs do not take obligations seriously and are more attracted to an independent and adventurous existence.


Horoscopes Month Libra


The start of the Libra season is set for September 22–23, 2022, the day of the Equinox. As we approach the midpoint of the astrological year, the Equinox signifies a turning point and Libra is the ideal zodiac to lead us through this transitional period.


Tips to know someone’s sign

Trucos para conocer el signo de alguien / Tricks to know the sign of someone

Although horoscopes are more popular than ever, not everyone is comfortable talking about their natal chart or other personal information. We offer you some professional tips for getting to know someone’s sign without getting up close and personal with them.

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