Heavenly Reunion: A Father, an Angel, and a Candle

Heavenly Reunion: A Father, an Angel, and a Candle, InfoMistico.com

In a world of yesteryears, quite reminiscent of our own, a man grappled with profound sorrow: the death of his young son. Nights for him were a poignant reflection of the void left behind, his tears flowing ceaselessly, yearning for the dawn’s solace.

The Profound Impact of Tears: A Father’s Grief Dimming His Son’s Light Beyond

Yet, one evening, the melancholy of his dreams was interrupted by a radiant presence: an angel, addressing him with a voice gentle yet assertive, “Enough.”

Unable to hold back, the man whispered, overcome with emotion, “The thought of never seeing him again is unbearable.”

The angel, with empathetic eyes, inquired, “Do you yearn for a reunion?”

With a sweeping gesture, the angel guided him skyward, towards celestial realms. “Soon, he will appear before you,” assured the angel.

A trail of light emerged, and upon it strolled young beings, adorned in pristine attire, sporting delicate wings, each holding an illuminated candle — a testament to the eternal purity of their souls.

Awed, the man posed a question, “Who might these beings be?”

In a calm and composed manner, the angel responded, “These are the young souls who’ve recently transitioned. They walk with us daily, a reflection of their untainted essence.”

“Will I catch a glimpse of my son among them?”

“In time, you shall.”

As countless souls gracefully passed, the angel directed his gaze forward, “Behold, he approaches.”

Joy suffused the man’s visage upon recognizing his son. Yet, a nagging detail troubled him: his son’s candle remained unlit, setting him apart from his counterparts. The sight accentuated his grief.

Upon spotting his father, the young soul rushed forward, engulfing him in a heartfelt embrace. Voice trembling, the man inquired:

“My son, why does your candle stand dark? Aren’t they kindled like the rest?”

“They are father, with every sunrise. But… as dusk descends, your tears, they snuff out my flame.”

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