
The mysterious world of esotericism, where science and spirituality converge. Ancient practices, from astrology to tarot, designed to reveal hidden secrets of the universe and your very being. Unlock your hidden potential today and experience the ultimate transformation.

New Moon in Sagittarius: Cosmic Change and Sagittarius

Luna Nueva en Sagitario / New Moon in Sagittarius

We approach the last New Moon of the year, a crucial moment in astrology that signals a significant change in the cosmos. With the Sun and Moon leaving behind Mars’ influence, we enter the energy of Sagittarius. This transit promises renewed optimism, marking a contrast with the recent Full Moon in Gemini and its challenges.

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Gemini Full Moon: A Catalyst for Change

Luna Llena en Géminis

This celestial event in Gemini is not just an astronomical phenomenon; it’s a reflection of our inner self. It urges us to introspection and rediscovery, balancing our emotions and thoughts. Each life cycle is an opportunity for learning and evolution, allowing us to embrace our humanity and spirituality and walk towards a future aligned with our essence.

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