Reflections: The Meaning of the Four Wives

Reflections: The Meaning of the Four Wives,

What if you discovered that the things you value most will abandon you at the end of your life? Check out this fascinating story of the king and his four wives and learn the lessons that will change your worldview. This ancient tale contains essential keys to true wealth and the value of the soul that you won’t want to miss.

Meaning and Moral of the Story of the Four Wives

In ancient times, a monarch had four companions. His devotion to the fourth was unparalleled, dressing her in the most exquisite garments and lavishing her with the most select luxuries. For her, only the finest.

His third companion was also the object of his affection. He proudly displayed her to other kingdoms. Yet, deep down, he feared she might leave him one day.

The second companion was his refuge. Her unconditional support, always kind, understanding and willing to listen. In adversity, the monarch turned to her, seeking guidance and comfort.

On the other hand, the first companion, despite her loyalty and invaluable efforts to consolidate the prosperity and stability of the kingdom, rarely captured his attention or recognition, despite the genuine love he felt for her.

One day, the monarch’s deteriorating health forced him to face the imminence of his end. He reflected on his opulent life and wondered, “I have these four companions by my side, but when I leave this world, who will be with me?”

He then addressed the fourth:

—You have been the most precious to me, I have given you everything. Now, in my final moments, would you choose to accompany me?

—Impossible —she replied, withdrawing immediately. Her refusal was like a direct stab to the monarch’s heart.

Hopefully, he consulted the third:

—You have been a pillar in my life. Now that the end is near, would you choose to stay by my side?

—I’m sorry —she replied—. Life has many charms to offer. When you are gone, I plan to find another path. These words left a cold void in the king’s soul.

Seeking comfort, he turned to his second companion:

—You have been my confidante, always present in my tribulations. When I leave, would you stay with me?

—I wish I could, but my limit is to bid you farewell on your last goodbye —she confessed with regret. That revelation fell on the monarch like a devastating thunderclap.

Then a voice whispered:

—I will be with you, no matter where fate takes you.

Turning around, he recognized his first companion, noticeably weakened. Sadly, the monarch lamented:

—I should have valued you more when I had the chance.

In essence, every human being has these four companions.

  • The fourth represents our body. No matter how much effort we put into beautifying it, it will abandon us in the end.
  • The third symbolizes our possessions, status and wealth. Upon leaving, they will be inherited or claimed by others.
  • The second reflects our loved ones and friends. Although they are with us in life, their presence will end with our final goodbye.
  • The first, our essence or soul, is the only constant, the one that will always accompany us. We often forget it in our pursuit of success and pleasure.
  • But it is essential to nurture and care for it. It is the noblest legacy we can offer. Let it shine.

The story of the monarch and his wives is a powerful lesson about what really matters in life. In the end, only our essence will accompany us. So invest time in your soul, seek true wisdom and find balance in your life.