
Colombia, South America’s gem, captivates with its cultural and natural diversity. From Andean peaks to Caribbean beaches, it blends unique history, music genres like vallenato and cumbia, and exquisite cuisine. Urban jewels include Bogotá, Medellín, and Cartagena, while the Amazon and Tayrona National Park beckon adventurers.

Candlelight Night Colombia

Día de las Velitas / Candlelight Day

This Colombian tradition is the official start of the Christmas season, it is a religious tradition that became a Christmas custom for all Colombians, where everyone goes out with candles, lanterns and lights in the garden, balcony, or street, to light the famous candles.


Galeras: Colombia’s Most Active Volcano

Volcán Galeras / Galeras Volcano

Nestled in Colombia’s Andean highlands, Galeras Volcano stands as a symbol of nature’s dual capacity for creation and destruction. Renowned for its frequent eruptions and profound influence on local communities, this stratovolcano has shaped both the landscape and human history of the region.

Our Planet

Sombreron Colombian Legend


The imposing figure of El Sombrerón stands as a sentinel of the nights in Antioquia and Tolima, Colombia. Dressed in a black ruana and a hat with brims so long they touch the ground, this wandering spirit has a history that dates back to the 19th century.
