Our Planet

Within the cosmic heart beats Our Planet, a sanctuary of life amidst stellar vastness. Here, every element dances to the universe’s esoteric rhythm, weaving destinies with threads of ancient energy. It’s a mirror of mysteries, a hymn to existence.

Natural Disasters: South America on High Alert

Los costos del calentamiento global / The Costs of Global Warming

Latin America, with its rich biodiversity and expansive ecosystems, stands on the frontline of climate change. The aftermath of this global phenomenon is clear, from droughts in Argentina to flooding in other nations. Yet, there’s hope on the horizon, as summits and negotiations aim to forge a path toward a more sustainable and resilient future.

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Galeras Volcano: A Chronicle of Eruptions and Monitoring

Volcán Galeras / Galeras Volcano

With its commanding presence, the Galeras Volcano has acted as both guardian and challenge for the city of Pasto. As one of Colombia’s most active volcanoes, its chronicle intertwines with the tales of those living in its shade. From tranquil spans of dormancy to explosive eruptions that have defined eras, the bond between Galeras and Pasto is a compelling saga of nature and humanity.

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