Spiritual Awakening: A Guide to Fulfillment

Spiritual Awakening: A Guide to Fulfillment, InfoMistico.com

Demystifying Divine Choice: Equality and True Love on the Spiritual Path

Regarding the belief of being “chosen” by God, it is a common phenomenon among those who delve into esoteric studies, feeling special or more spiritually advanced. This attitude is nothing more than a form of arrogance, a distortion that leads us to believe we are superior or more privileged than others.

Such a stance is not only counterproductive to spiritual growth but also perpetuates division and selfishness. In truth, we are all equal in the eyes of Existence, and any notion of being special or chosen is a construct of the human ego, not an existential truth.

Personal sacrifice for others, though highly valued socially, is a practice that lacks meaning and satisfaction if not performed from love. Actions undertaken out of sacrifice often generate resentment, annoyance, and even hatred, as they do not stem from a place of joy or gratitude.

In contrast, everything done with love is experienced as enriching and rewarding. Therefore, it is essential to discern our motivations and ensure that our actions towards others are genuine expressions of love, freeing us from the burden of pointless sacrifice and the desire for social approval.

Sacrifice and Manipulation: The Truth About Giving and Receiving in Relationships

The practice of sacrifice, often intertwined with manipulation, reveals a complex dynamic in personal relationships. For instance, it’s not uncommon for a mother who has postponed her desires and needs for her children to expect something in return from them eventually.

Similarly, a partner who alters their routine for the other may end up demanding reciprocity. This expectation underscores an important reality: before sacrificing for someone, we should reflect on whether they have requested it.

The martyr stance, far from bringing us closer to a divine connection, only finds true value in love. Acting with unconditional love is the only path that allows for authentic growth in our being.

This manipulation extends to the expectation of receiving something in return for acts supposedly carried out for the benefit of others, assuming a right to claim or highlight those acts as evidence of our goodness. However, the truth is that neither children owe their parents anything nor vice versa; before incarnating, each soul chooses its family environment, friends, and partners, making perfect decisions in the spiritual realm.

We should, therefore, embrace with joy and gratitude the opportunities life offers us to experience, play, and learn, even through the pain and suffering arising from our ignorance or the lessons we have yet to assimilate. In our spiritual assessment, the only thing that will matter is how we continue evolving, learning, and expanding our understanding and wisdom.

Amulets and Faith: Finding True Protection in Our Divine Essence

Regarding the reliance on amulets or religious icons, it’s true that certain materials and symbols can influence our vibration and have a psychological impact that stimulates us.

However, the issue arises when these objects become substitutes for our faith, being attributed more power than they possess. Believing that our safety or well-being depends on an object limits the omnipresence of the divine, relegating the unlimited to the material.

The anxiety experienced when losing or damaging an amulet, interpreting it as a bad omen, reflects the belief in our vulnerability without that “protection.” This mindset, based on the premise that “our thoughts create our reality”, underscores the importance of centering our faith and trust in the unconditional and omnipresent divine presence, beyond any physical object.

Why not consider, then, that our best protection is our divine essence?

This immutable nature is something no one can take from us, although recognizing it requires first a journey toward self-knowledge. Only by truly knowing and loving ourselves can we be in a position to genuinely love others.

Intuition as a Guide: The Authenticity of Our Inner Teacher

The belief that we can guide others or need to be guided by someone else is a deception of the ego.

The most authentic guidance comes from our intuition, that inner voice which, although it may sometimes align with external advice, is unique and personal. Idealizing someone as our mentor or allowing others to place us on a pedestal only sets the stage for future disappointments.

We are all in a constant process of learning and teaching, and it’s crucial to remain open to the lessons life presents us, without positioning ourselves as saviors or expecting to be saved by someone else.

Our best guide lies within us, speaking with patience and without impositions, always showing us the path to happiness and understanding.

Therefore, meditation and relaxation exercises are valuable practices for connecting with our inner voice. Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, we can lose this connection and start seeking answers outside ourselves, forgetting that the most reliable guidance already resides within us.

Likewise, it’s a mistake to think that spiritual teachers are merely those who provide us with theoretical knowledge. True teaching does not always come from those who transmit explicit wisdom; often, the greatest teachers in our lives are those who challenge us and confront us with our limitations and prejudices.

These “teachers” come in various forms: family members, friends, adversities, and nature, among others, and they teach us through the most everyday trials.

The true spiritual teachers are, therefore, those who force us to confront and overcome our issues, showing us that love is the most fundamental lesson.

This love must extend to all our interactions, transcending superficial discrepancies and difficulties. Only by learning to love unconditionally can we surpass life’s tests and truly evolve on our spiritual path.

Emotional Management in Spirituality: Acceptance and Constructive Expression of Feelings

The belief that we must suppress anger, annoyance, or fear as part of our spiritual journey can lead us into a state of emotional repression, with consequences such as resentment, criticism, or rejection.

It’s crucial to recognize that, living in the earthly plane, we experience a range of sensations and emotions, some pleasant and others not so much. Being aware of the destructive effects of certain emotions does not mean we can eliminate them from our experience automatically.

While it’s possible to learn to manage anger and other challenging emotional states, this process requires practice and patience. There will be times when we manage to control our irritation and others when we feel completely overwhelmed by it.

In such instances, it’s healthier to express these emotions constructively rather than repressing ourselves and pretending everything is fine when internally we wish to act aggressively.

Many individuals on a spiritual growth path impose the demanding task on themselves to eliminate these reactions from their lives, which is not only challenging but also part of a personal evolutionary process.

It’s important to be compassionate with oneself, allowing the expression of negative emotions in a way that does not harm others, whether through crying, screaming, or hitting a pillow, among other methods of release.

Remember, everything we project outward, whether positive or negative, will in some way be returned to us. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to manage our emotions in a way that allows us to live in harmony both with ourselves and the environment around us.

Mike Rivero

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