The Divine Nature of Man

The Divine Nature of Man,

Since time immemorial, humans have embarked on a challenging journey—a quest to unravel the deepest mysteries of their existence and understand their true identity.

The Divine Nature of Man: An Insightful Analysis of Our Connection with the Cosmos

Through profound philosophical musings, detailed psychological treatises, and guidance from various religious doctrines, all efforts converge towards one goal: to unearth the meaning of human life.

Interestingly, in this zealous search for answers, mankind has made a fundamental oversight: searching the vast expanse outside, the world around them, neglecting the immense universe within. But, what occurs when one ventures inward?

Historically, those courageous enough to delve within have emerged as luminaries for humanity. These enlightened figures—sages, saints, and spiritual masters—have left indelible marks on entire generations.

Ramana Maharshi, a revered Indian sage, with his deceptively simple query, “Who am I?”, has spurred many into introspection. Conversely, Jesus Christ asserted, “The kingdom of God is within you.” This kingdom is none other than the Soul, the quintessence of our true identity.

If we envision human life as a deep ocean, each person symbolizes a unique wave of that vast body. While waves may appear distinct on the surface, fundamentally, they all belong to the same watery expanse.

This understanding of the bond between the individual and the cosmos encapsulates our genuine divine nature.

The Soul’s Journey: From Divine Realization to Eternal Liberation

Remarkably, while this understanding isn’t foreign to Western traditions, it’s in Eastern disciplines where we find a more intricate study of the soul’s odyssey.

The timeless teachings of enlightened sages have been passed down through generations, securing their place in sacred scriptures like the Vedas and Upanishads.

The presence of the Soul in every individual isn’t just a pinnacle to achieve but also a beacon. This divine spark enlightens us, bestows love, and fills us with joy. The chance to grasp this divinity isn’t exclusive.

It’s unrestricted by social standing, education, gender, or age. God sees no distinctions; we all stand equal in His gaze. Every individual holds the right and the potential to merge with this divinity. In conclusion, a central message echoed by these sages throughout history should be underscored: One shouldn’t fear liberation.

Contrary to common misconceptions, attaining a liberated state doesn’t mark an end but the onset of unchanging bliss. Recognizing we are far more than our physical forms or the confined personalities we often associate with, we discern our true grandeur. We aren’t just a fleeting wave; we are the ocean itself.

This article is a result of the invaluable contribution of the author, Jairo Macías Arteaga, to The Ecuador Daily.