The Kalachakra Prophecy: Justice vs. Materialism

The Kalachakra Prophecy: Justice vs. Materialism,

Prophecies of the Kalachakra: Rudra Chakrin’s Rise and the Fate of Shambhala

The revered Kalachakra manuscripts provide a reflective window that simultaneously peers into the vast destinies of the world and the lineage of its Celestial Monarchs.

They recount that in the mists of the 2nd century BCE, Manjush Rikirti, the esteemed first Kalki King, foresaw the dawn of Islam in the lands of Mecca, to transpire 800 moons later during the reign of the tenth Kalki monarch, Samudra Vijaya. They predicted this faith in the One God would resonate until the world’s final days.

And so it came to pass: Muhammad received revelation in the city of Mecca — its residents call it Makkah — at the heart of Arabia, circa 610 CE.

The oracle further narrates that under the reign of the twenty-first King of Shambhala, Anidhura, known as “The Unperturbed,” the light of Buddhism and the words of the Kalachakra would wane in Asian territories, casting shadows until the arrival of the final Kalki.

Ancient Kalachakra scriptures passionately speak of a colossal confrontation between the Legions of Dharma — eternal Truth and Justice — and the armies of Disorder and Materialism, foretelling a Golden Age to emerge post-clash.

The Yoke of Materialism

According to these chronicles, the twenty-fifth Kalki King, Rudra Chakrin, nicknamed “The Fierce Disc Bearer,” will rise in this world, challenging and dismantling the yoke of Materialism. Yet, a pressing question remains: when will the echoes of such feats ring out?

Tradition holds that each Shambhala Monarch rules for a century, pointing to the Grand Battle in 2424, during the twilight of Rudra Chakrin’s reign.

However, whispers circulate that the twenty-fifth King’s arrival might be predated. Some suggest not all Shambhala Kings might have seen their century’s end, as untimely death could have cut their reigns short.

Personally, having pondered the stars and figures, I deduce that with an average reign of 94 years for each monarch, starting from 903 BCE, we surprisingly arrive at 2012 for Rudra Chakrin’s rise.

Could it be, then, that we stand at the threshold of the twilight foretold by the Kalachakra?

Rudra Chakrin: The Justice Rebirth Amidst Strife

In the shadowed times preceding Rudra Chakrin’s majestic rule, the world finds itself engulfed in conflict and war, scourged by hunger, overrun by narcotics, and ravaged by unprecedented diseases.

Humanity, having stripped its soul of sanctity, bows only to altars of gold, luxury, and power.

Yet, in the expansive heavens, Rudra Chakrin’s arrival will be heralded by the manifestation of a majestic Winged Iron Wheel. Could this wonder be unveiled on the last breath of the Mayan Calendar, December 21, 2012?

During his reign’s interlude, two factions, hungry for material power, will challenge one another until one claims sovereignty. This power, in its hubris and ignorance of legendary Shambhala, will dare believe itself unparalleled and invincible.

However, upon discovering Shambhala’s mystery, it will seek to subdue it. This act will prompt Rudra Chakrin and his loyal legions to cross their realm’s boundaries, confronting the brazen usurper in an epic battle.

Rudra Chakrin, in ancient Hindu hymns, is invoked as the Kalki Avatara, a radiant youth atop a pristine steed, wielding a stellar sword, bringing both ruin and chaos.

His arrival heralds the rebirth of justice, initiating a cycle of untainted purity. Such a prophecy echoes Apostle John’s revelation:

And the sky was split apart, revealing a horse as white as snow, and its rider, named Faithful and True, was justice personified. His eyes blazed with discerning fire, and he bore many crowns of authority. He had a secret name, known only to him.

His garments were drenched in blood. And he was named: THE WORD OF GOD. Following him, celestial legions in radiant white robes rode alabaster horses.

From his mouth sprang a sharp sword, destined to subdue nations, and with an iron scepter, he would lead them. And he treaded, crushing divine fury, and his cloak and thigh bore his title: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS…

Kalachakra Prophecy: From Rudra Chakrin’s Standoff to the Golden Age

In ancient chronicles, the revered verses of the Kalachakra Prophecy foretell grand clashes in which Rudra Chakrin, with his formidable Flying Wheel, will confront the prevailing Materialist Lords.

Whispers tell of a battle near Mekha. Similarly, the Apocalypse speaks of earthly monarchs gathering in what is referred to in Hebrew as Armageddon — pointing to Mount Megiddo in Israel — where another combat would be waged.

While Western thought often depicts Armageddon as the ultimate contest between Good and Evil, the old Kalachakra scriptures pinpoint this crucial standoff to the south of the Tarim River, likely in areas of Iran or Turkey.

Facing the advanced war machinery of the Materialist Barbarians, Rudra Chakrin will counter with his magnificent Flying Wheels and deploy subtler, more sophisticated tactics, which will eventually ensure his victory.

The prophecy recounts that this king, in a meditative trance, will summon a Magical Army that will both bewilder and defeat its adversaries.

Alongside this monarch will stand the reincarnations of esteemed Lamas who, for centuries, have chanted prayers, aspiring to be reborn at this pivotal moment of confrontation.

Stories suggest that those initiated into the Kalachakra mysteries will join the Army of Shambhala. To fall in such a battle bestows the gift of release from the perpetual cycle of Samsara.

After the Barbarians’ demise, the dawn of a Golden Age will bathe the world, ushering in a millennium of unparalleled peace. An echo of this can be found in The Apocalypse:

It portrays the Beast, the earthly rulers, and their legions gearing up to challenge the rider and his army. Both the Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the fiery sulfur lake. The rest fall to the rider’s sword, their remains feasted upon by birds.

An angel, descending from the heavens and bearing the key to the Abyss along with a stout chain, is depicted. This celestial being captures the Dragon, the old serpent known as the Devil and Satan, binding it for a thousand years, and sealing the Abyss to prevent further deceits upon the nations…