Magic Rituals

The hidden power of Magic Rituals transforms your life instantly. Immerse yourself in ancient spiritual practices that have been tested for centuries. Our carefully selected rituals are your key to invisible worlds of power and wisdom. Attract love, fortune and success with our expertly guided mystical ceremonies.

Parsley for luck

Perejil para la Suerte / parsley for luck

As popular an herb as parsley is, it has originated several positive and negative superstitions, as it is considered a symbol of death, but also resurrection. For witches, the most famous magical use of parsley is as an herbal amulet for protection against bad luck, negative influences, enemies and black magic.



Nuez Moscada / Nutmeg

Nutmeg is a perennial shrub native to Indonesia whose fruit contains a hard kernel enclosed in a membrane. This particular kernel is the spice we use so often in cooking. It is enough to grate a little and add it to any food to give it a mild but incredibly pleasant flavor, but the most important thing about nutmeg is the various health benefits that this product brings.
