Taking care of our children

The art of spiritual childcare. Nurture harmony, awareness, and inner connection in children, fostering their spiritual growth for a balanced and fulfilling future.

Ungrateful Sons

Ponerle límite a los hijos ingratos / Limit ungrateful children

A child who does not appreciate what his parents have done for him can be a source of great pain; the parent feels that no matter how hard he or she works, it is never enough. But even though there may seem to be no hope and your situation seems bleak and stormy, there is still reason to rejoice…


Helping our children overcome teasing

Cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos a superar las burlas / How to help our children overcome teasing

While teasing in the context of a game can be harmless, teasing that causes harm can have a negative emotional impact on the affected person, making them feel sad, hurt or angry. In more serious cases, such as harassment or harassment, parents, caregivers, teachers or school administrators may need to intervene to end the situation and provide support to the victim.
