
Everything you need to know about astrology, celestial events, constellations, zodiac signs and much more. Check your horoscope, learn about cartomancy and the interpretation of your birth chart in our articles and resources. Expand your astrological knowledge and harness the power of the cosmos.

Meaning of Being Born Under Each Moon Phase

Significado de Nacer bajo Cada Fase Lunar / Influence moon phases birth

Did you know that the moon can have a significant impact on your personality? Each moon phase has a unique influence. Just as the bright reflection of a Full Moon contrasts with the darkness of a New Moon, the lunar phase you were born under may have shaped your personality in a unique way.


Tina Turner: Astrological Transits from a Legend

Tina Turner

This season, with the big square of the T surrounding Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius, the world says goodbye to the inimitable Tina Turner. But its vibrant essence and unforgettable music live on in us. Join us on an astral journey through Tina’s life, as we explore her astrological transits and progressions. From his native Pluto in Leo to the alignment of the Lunar Nodes, discover how the stars tell us about their legacy and their transition to another plane of existence.

Mystic, esoteric and spiritual curiosities

Gemini Month Horoscopes

Géminis / Gemini

The dual energy of Gemini in the 2023 Gemini Season. Represented by twins, this sign reminds us of the transience of life and the eternity of the soul. Connect with socially and mentally stimulating energy and experience moments of clarity and brilliant ideas. Explore key events from the Aldebaran Portal to the Full Moon in Sagittarius and dive into personalized horoscopes for your zodiac sign.


Mars in Leo

Marte en Leo / Mars in Leo

Experience the impact of Mars in Leo 2023, a journey of spiritual rebirth and heavenly passion. Awaken your authenticity, nourish your spirit and find the courage to pursue your passions. Manage your ego, channel your genuine leadership and live with passion and authenticity. Mars in Leo invites you to live fully, take advantage of this unique opportunity to transform your life.


Void Course Moon

Luna Vacía de Curso / Void Course Moon

Have you ever felt a mysterious disconnect in your life? It may be the influence of the Void Course Moon. This fascinating astrological phenomenon invites us to enter into a time of introspection and self-care. Take advantage of this heavenly pause to reflect, recharge your energies and discover new perspectives on your path.


Jupiter in Taurus

Júpiter en Tauro / Jupiter in Taurus

It is impacted by the most anticipated astrological event of the year: Jupiter’s entry into Taurus something that hadn’t happened since June 2011. Do you remember back then and everything that happened in your life? Get ready for another round of significant changes as Jupiter drives new energy into our lives.
