Anulo Mufa Mean

Anulo Mufa Mean,

There is no denying that Lionel Scaloni’s Argentina team is a contender to win the title at the Qatar 2022 World Cup because of its past and present. The “Scaloneta” wants to dispel the “mufa” that they are the underdogs against Didier Deschamps’ squad with the victory over France in the championship match.

Meaning of the expression anulo mufa

Beyond the predictions against the French and what appears at first glance from a soccer perspective, many supporters of the Argentine national team prefer to stay away from this type of analysis and conclusions because they believe they can bring “bad luck” to the national team.

To combat this, they created the term “anulo mufa”, which later gained popularity on social networks and is now used by millions of Argentine fans around the world.

Anulo Mufa, what does it mean?

To thoroughly understand this phrase, it is important to understand that in Argentina, the word “mufa” also has a specific meaning derived from Lunfardo, in addition to its general meaning (anger, rage, or bad mood).

Lunfardo is the result of the need for communication in the overcrowded tenements that gave rise to the languages of the immigrant currents of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The word mufa, which in Lunfardo refers to superstition, is mostly used when you want to curse someone or something, or when you think someone is trying to curse someone else. The word “mufar” is used in that situation.

It is thought to be bad luck to pick someone or, in this case, a team, as a “winner.” For this reason, some fans created the term “anulo mufa” to combat the possible harm to Messi and Scaloni’s national team.

What’s more: they even designed a stamp in which Messi appears with Leo referred to as “San Lionel” and the phrase “deactivate any kind of mufa against the Argentine National Team” written underneath. Trust or lose.

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