Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com

Day 6 of the 12 Days of Aries for the Sign of Virgo

From the dusk of March 25th until the dusk of  March 26th

“Avoid excessive judgment towards others and yourself”

It is important to be careful with our tendency to judge others and ourselves too harshly. Instead of trying to control everything, we should be proactive and seek to understand the situations and people involved. Rather than judging, we should focus on finding the good and positive in each situation.

It is crucial to remember that we do not have absolute control over everything that happens around us and that sometimes it is necessary to let go and trust in a higher power to solve problems. By adopting an attitude of openness and understanding, we can cultivate healthier and more positive relationships with others and ourselves.

Meditate with Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


My commitment is to spread unconditional love at all times. I resist judging others and myself. Instead of holding onto negative actions or words from the past, I transform them into light and compassion, radiating positive forces into the universe. I strive to look at others with eyes of compassion, softening my judgments and finding goodness in every person. With every loving thought and action, I am building a more positive and loving world.

Day 7 of the 12 days of Aries for the sign of Libra

From the dusk of March 26th until the dusk of March 27th

“The certainty in decision-making”

Confidence in the decisions we make is essential for moving forward in life. We must have certainty in the choices we made in the past, as they have led us to the exact place where we are now. It is crucial to maintain that certainty when making decisions in the present avoiding doubt and trusting ourselves.

At the same time, it is important to remember that sharing should not be a way to get love, approval, or something in return. We should do it because we truly want to, maintaining the integrity of our actions and decisions. By having confidence in our choices, we can move forward with strength and determination towards our goals and dreams.

Meditate with Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


I have absolute certainty that the right things will happen when I act proactively. I take full responsibility for my life and know that I am receiving exactly what I need at this moment. As I continue to open my life to Light and certainty, I know I will receive even more.

Day 8 of the 12 days of Aries for the Scorpio sign

From the dusk of March 27th until the dusk of March 28th

“Cultivating self-love and overcoming jealousy”

Self-love is a fundamental element in the pursuit of happiness. To cultivate this self-love, it is important to remain calm in any situation avoiding blaming others for our suffering. Instead of allowing jealousy and envy to consume us, we can channel our intense energy into helping others, rather than harming them.

We must be aware of our thirst for destruction and revenge, ensuring that our actions are always positive and beneficial for everyone involved. By loving ourselves and maintaining a mindset focused on helping others, we can find the happiness and inner peace that we all deserve.

Meditate with the Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


Within me resides divinity. By connecting with the divine power that resides in my soul, I awaken an infinite source of energy. My confidence is strengthened and I feel capable of overcoming any obstacle and eliminating chaos and confusion from my life. I am aware of the goodness within me and the good I can do if I choose to take responsibility for the Light that dwells within me. This strength has always been present and now I see it.

Day 9 of the 12 days of Aries for the sign of Sagittarius

From dusk, March 28th, until dusk, March 29th

“Defend your beliefs with integrity and empathy”

To defend something you believe in, it is important to follow certain guidelines. Firstly, it is important to practice forgiveness, so that resentments or grudges do not hinder your path towards achieving your goals. Pay attention to details to ensure that your actions and decisions are aligned with your beliefs and values.

It is essential to make a commitment and stick to it, as this shows your dedication and seriousness in defending what you believe in. Before making a decision, it is important to analyze the situation and consider all the aspects involved. It is crucial to be more sensitive to other people and watch what you say as this can affect how others perceive your ideas and beliefs.

Meditate with Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


As I focus on unconditional love for all the people around me, the dark forces within me dissolve. In the past, I may have felt hatred towards certain people, but now, as I visualize them, I only feel love. Light surrounds those people and I recognize the common characteristic we share: the divine spark. My heart opens as I wish them joy, fulfillment, peace and greater understanding.

Day 10 of the 12 days of Aries for the sign of Capricorn

From the dusk of March 29th until the dusk of  March 30th

“Trust yourself when things get difficult and dare to break your own rules”

Learn to express your emotions authentically and without reservation. Often, our self-imposed rules prevent us from showing our true emotions, but it is important to break them to build more meaningful and satisfying relationships.

Understand that true wealth lies in spiritual light, not physical possessions. Learn to value what you have instead of always longing for more.

Trust your spiritual potential and activate your inner power to face the challenges that life presents. Do not be afraid to face difficult situations and make risky decisions, because it is often these decisions that lead us to success and personal growth.

Meditate with Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


I desire to elevate all my relationships, both present and future, to the level of soulmate. I commit to connecting with the people around me on a higher spiritual plane and attracting more light into my life.

Day 11 of the 12 days of Aries for the Aquarius Sign

From dusk on March 30th to dusk on March 31st

“The power of teamwork: how collaboration can lead you to success”

Working as a team is essential to achieving common goals, but to do so, it’s important to set aside stubbornness and try to understand other people’s situations. It’s fundamental to empathize with other people’s pain and understand that to make a significant change in the world, one must start with oneself. Allowing others to love you and collaborating can be the key to achieving success in any project.

Meditate with Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


I will let the Light guide me and transform my life. I leave behind my stubbornness and allow the wisdom of Higher Dimensions to shine on my path. I open my mind and heart to new possibilities, connecting with something greater than myself. I desire to be part of something bigger and collaborate with the universe to reach my greatest potential.

Day 12 of the 12 days of Aries for the Pisces sign

From March 31st at dusk until April 1st at dusk

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”

It’s more than just an inspirational phrase, it’s a call to action to become a leader of oneself and others. The key is to find the right balance between logic and emotion to make informed and conscious decisions.

When pressure increases, it’s crucial to maintain certainty and emotional control to successfully face challenges. To achieve happiness, one must strive beyond self-imposed limits and be empathetic towards the pain of others instead of solely focusing on one’s own.

Meditate with Hebrew letters

Kabbalah Guide for the 12 Days of Aries, InfoMistico.com


I am not a victim, I am the owner of my destiny. By accepting the consequences of my actions, I leave behind self-pity and the desire for revenge. I take responsibility for my life and know that if I want to change my situation, I have the power to do so. I will take proactive measures to achieve the fulfillment I deserve, freeing myself from pain and regaining control of my life.

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