Self Help

Articles, information, and reference on personal development and self-help, activities that enhance awareness and identity, and development of personal skills and self-potential.

Dare to Venture into the Unknown

La vida está de nuestro lado para animarnos / Life is on our side to cheer us up

Jumping into the void can be scary, but it’s often necessary to grow. By facing our fears and opening ourselves up to transformation, we can find liberation and a new meaning in life. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and see how change leads to a fuller existence.

Faith and Hope

The Silent Echo of Indifference

Romper con una relación de indiferencia te dará una nueva perspectiva del mundo / Breaking up with a relationship of indifference will give you a new perspective on the world

Indifference, with its enigmatic nature, sows confusion and damage in human relationships. Delving into this labyrinth, this article provides an in-depth view of how it affects our minds and relationships, as well as guides for reconnecting with loved ones.


I need to get out of the world of unhappiness

mundo de la infelicidad / world of unhappiness

In the midst of the world of unhappiness, words become my compass and beacon. They guide me in the dark, they allow me to understand my pain and to envision a future where hope is possible. Although it seems like a prison, this world is actually a school where I learn about resilience and the capacity to love and laugh despite the circumstances. You are not alone on this journey, together we will find the way to happiness.

Faith and Hope
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