Amulets and Talismans

Information about amulets and talismans in the mystical, esoteric and spiritual world. Attracting good luck, ensuring protection.

Tree of Life: Magic and Meaning in an Amulet

Árbol de la Vida Amuleto / Tree of Life Amulet

Discover the Tree of Life, an amulet that has taken root in the hearts of diverse cultures and has been maintained over time, representing love, protection and personal growth. This mysterious and fascinating symbol ranges from ancient beliefs to contemporary jewelry, serving as a bridge that connects the earthly and the divine. Get ready to embark on a journey of exploration and wonder, unraveling the secrets and meanings behind this iconic talisman.


Higa Amulet


The higas, known by other names such as “figas, manezuelas, ciguas, maninas, puñeres, or black hands”, are much more than simple jewelry pieces. These objects hold a wealth of ancestral beliefs.
