
Spirituality, ethereal and profound, serves as the soul’s compass, guiding us through life’s labyrinth. It’s the universe’s whisper, beckoning us to transcend the ephemeral and connect with the immutable essence nestled within our innermost being.

Ichigo Ichie meaning

Ichigo Ichie

A Japanese proverb meaning “one moment, one encounter” or “what is happening now will never happen again” is called Ichigo Ichie. It alludes to the notion that every encounter and every moment should be fully appreciated and valued because they are special and unique.


Nesting — The stay-at-home trend


The concept of nesting originated in northern European nations, where people prefer to spend time at home without having to travel frequently for various activities. Because there is no better place to rest than our own home when the body and mind need it.


The Sitra Ajra padlock

The Sitra Ajra padlock

Sitra Ajra is known as the uncrowned Malchut in Kabbalah; it is the desire to receive but, in a sense, not receive the same in return. Three emotions impede the emanations of Kether and I refer to them as the lock of Sitra Ajra.


Our demons, our shadow


Our shadow is a part of the unconscious that complements our ego and represents the aspects of our conscious personality that we do not want to know, that we reject and that we forget or banish to the back of our mind, only to discover later in conflicts with other people.


Ostracism Psychology

Ostracismo / Ostracism

Ostracism is the practice of refusing to participate in public life, either voluntarily or as a result of external pressure. The idea has its origins in the Greek language, where ostracism was a form of political punishment that consisted of expelling a person from his or her community after a vote in an assembly.

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