How to Mature Emotionally

How to Mature Emotionally,

Have you ever thought about going back to college at 87 years old? Meet Rose, whose story of maturity and decisions will leave you speechless. This incredible woman teaches us that it’s never too late to pursue our dreams and that true wisdom lies in accepting changes and growing with them.

Life Lessons from the Elderly: How to Keep a Youthful Mind

On the day I started my college life, our professor challenged us to make a new friend, someone we didn’t previously know. As I scanned the classroom, a delicate hand touched my shoulder. Turning around, I discovered an elderly woman with deep wrinkles but a smile that lit up her face.

— Young man, my name is Rose and I am eighty-seven years old. Would you like a hug? I responded with genuine laughter: — Of course! Her hug was warm and sincere. Curiously, I asked her: — Rose, what brings you to college at this stage of your life?

With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she said: — I’m here looking for a wealthy husband, maybe have a couple of kids, retire and travel the world.

My surprise was evident and I seriously asked her about her true motivation for starting this new adventure. — I always had the desire to get a college education and here I am, pursuing that dream — she confessed.

As the days passed, we became inseparable. After each class, we shared conversations and chocolate milkshakes. Through her stories, I felt like I was traveling through time, soaking up her wisdom.

Soon, Rose became a beloved figure on campus.

She won everyone’s hearts. Always looking elegant, she enjoyed the looks and comments from those around her. Truly, she was living her best moment.

At the end of that semester, we asked her to share some words at our football banquet. What she shared that day was etched into my memory.

After being introduced, she stepped onto the stage. However, a small mishap caused her notes to scatter on the floor. Visibly embarrassed, she approached the microphone and, with humor, admitted: — Forgive me, I’m a little nervous. I gave up beer for a while and this whiskey is affecting me a bit.

Laughter filled the room and after recovering, she shared: — We don’t grow old by stopping playing; we grow old because we forget how to play. There are four keys to maintaining youth and happiness: laugh daily, have a purpose, accept changes and never lose our ideals.

— Unfortunately, many wander the world lifeless, without realizing it.

— Aging is inevitable; we all do it. But maturing, that’s a choice. In a year, you might simply add another year to your age, but the essential thing is to grow internally, adapting and learning with each change.

— Looking back, I don’t regret what I did, but what I failed to do. Because, in reality, only those with regrets fear the end of their days.

She concluded her speech by singing “The Rose,” urging us to reflect on her words and implement her wisdom in our lives.

Shortly after graduating, Rose passed away in her sleep.

More than two thousand souls gathered to honor the woman who, through her life, demonstrated that it’s never too late to be the best version of oneself.

Always remember that:


Rose’s story teaches us that maturity is a constant choice, fueled by our decisions and the way we face changes. Do not let age define your dreams or your capacity for personal growth. Seize every opportunity to learn and adapt.