Full Moon of Easter: Meaning, Tradition and Celebration

Full Moon of Easter: Meaning, Tradition and Celebration, InfoMistico.com

The celebration of Holy Week is known to have a variable date due to a decision made at the Council of Nicea in the year 325. At that time, it was established that the Easter Resurrection would take place on the Sunday following the first Full Moon that occurred after the Spring Equinox, which takes place on March 21st.

Why the date of Holy Week varies every year

This phenomenon explains why the Full Moon is visible during Holy Week each year. It is interesting to mention that the Catholic religion’s Holy Week is governed by the Moon, which is a curious anachronism.

Good Friday, one of the most important days of Holy Week, is celebrated on the first Friday after the first Full Moon that follows the Spring Equinox. This means that Holy Week can never be before March 21st or after April 23rd.

How the date of Holy Week is determined: The importance of Easter Sunday and the lunar calendar

The calculation to determine the date of Holy Week has several explanations. One of them is based on Easter Sunday which is the day when the Catholic Church commemorates the death of Jesus, as recounted in the Gospels.

In ancient times, the Jews used the lunar calendar for their celebrations and continue to do so today. Therefore, the Church has maintained the tradition of following the lunar calendar.

The Holy Week calendar is governed by Easter Sunday which is the Sunday following the first Full Moon of the Nisan month, corresponding to the months of March and April. In other words, Easter Sunday is celebrated on the Sunday following the first Full Moon of spring.

The so-called “Full Moon of Easter” is a moment of great exaltation in nature and occurs on the first Full Moon after the start of the Boreal Spring. At that time, the Sun is at its peak for the planet accompanied by its own light reflected by the Full Moon.

Lent and the Full Moon of Easter: The Spirituality and Transformative Power of the Celebration of Passover

Lent is a time of deep spirituality and inner transformation, where any just invocation can be answered and any positive decree can be fulfilled. It is a very powerful spiritual flow that blesses this sacred time.

The “Full Moon of Easter” is the essence and climax of Lent. It is a spiritual outpouring that, although not directly called “Lent” or “Easter” was used positively by the Jewish people when they were enslaved and oppressed in Egypt, to free themselves when Moses decided to rescue them.

When the pharaoh refused to release them, the Principle of Cause and Effect came into play and the “Ten Plagues” befell him. The last of these the death of his firstborn, was the worst that could happen to him.

To prevent this plague from affecting the Jews, they had to kill a lamb and paint the doorframe with its blood. In this way, the lamb became a symbol of salvation and forgiveness of sins.

After the Jews escaped from Egypt, they began to celebrate the day of their liberation which is now known as “Passover.” During these days, the energies of the Flame of Resurrection and the Restoration of God’s Plan on Earth are activated throughout the planet.

In commemoration of this date, the Jews ate the lamb of forgiveness and unleavened bread. This festival is known in Hebrew as “Passover” which means “pass” or “Easter.”

Behind the celebration of Easter: its history, spiritual significance and the blessing of the Full Moon of Easter

The celebration of Easter is a spiritual festival that aims to escape from evil, including oppression, suffering, conflict, need and illness. The Full Moon of Easter celebrated on a planetary and solar level, brings a blessing that has been valued throughout the centuries.

In the year 140 Pope Saint Pius I set the date of Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the beginning of spring in March. Jesus aware of the spiritual power that Easter contained, celebrated the “Last Supper” to commemorate this Jewish festival.

During the dinner he made his disciples understand that it was not necessary to sacrifice a lamb for the forgiveness of their sins, as he would be the Lamb as Soul since this spiritual principle is the only one that redeems, saves and liberates.

Jesus explained that the bread was his body or that of the lamb which was now him, and the fruit of the vine his purifying blood. This fact has established a unique spiritual connection that has added to the natural power of Easter for two thousand years.

The Easter Season: A Time for Spiritual Reflection and Renewal

Easter is a time of spiritual reflection and renewal that has been celebrated for centuries. The history of this holiday includes the belief that salvation and deliverance come from a spiritual principle not from animal sacrifice.

In an act of great controversy, a body was sacrificed in the name of a deity. However, it is not the body of an animal, but that of Jesus as “Christ.

This sacrifice is supposedly part of the Lord’s Supper where believers unite and become one by partaking of the bread and wine that represent the body and blood of Jesus. The Passover has been transformed into the “New Age of Pisces” through this symbolic act.

The Lord’s Supper is considered a sacred moment of fellowship and union among believers. In this sense the celebration of Easter becomes a cosmic outpouring that can dissolve confrontations and conflicts between people.

Although there are mixed opinions about this type of ritual for many believers it represents a form of deeper connection with their faith and a way to honor their deity.

The Tibetan Master: the importance of understanding the unity of humanity and its relation to the fate of the world

According to the Tibetan Master the world and its suffering are a single entity and humanity itself is one unit although many still do not understand it. The current teaching aims to awaken humanity to perceive this reality.

The Tibetan Master emphasizes the importance of this understanding: in the future, humanity will emerge as a purified, disciplined, enlightened and fused entity.

Those who do not understand this important fact, regardless of whether they are belligerent or neutral, will suffer deeply as a result of their lack of participation in the destiny of the whole.

The Hierarchy, according to the Master is not neutral. It is in favor of the correct element of each nation and against all separatist, isolationist and materialistic attitudes. Such attitudes hinder the understanding of true spiritual values and obstruct human development.