Full Moon in Libra

Full Moon in Libra, InfoMistico.com

The Full Moon in Libra has arrived after the New Moon in Aries during the equinox on March 21st. This lunar phase invites us to look at ourselves through the eyes of others and pay attention to those around us, especially those in front of us.

The Full Moon in Libra

Reflects on yourself through the eyes of others

We’re talking about human mirrors that show us an image of ourselves that may be unknown or that we don’t like. On the other hand, they can also show us a beauty that we’re not able to see in ourselves.

The energy of Libra reminds us of the importance of these mirrors to know ourselves better.

On this occasion, the Sun in Aries (opposite to the Moon in Libra) is accompanied by Jupiter and Chiron, suggesting an opportunity to heal wounds that may have arisen during the New Moon in Aries or that we’ve been carrying for a while.

Pluto in Aquarius and Lunar Nodes

Have we learned from the past? The challenge of finding our deepest truth amidst the dramatic transition towards the future.

The astrological sign of Libra invites reflection and empathy with others to overcome the differences that separate us. While it is inevitable to have differences with the people around us, even those we love, Libra seeks to find a middle ground that allows for respect and mutual love, even despite discrepancies.

Disagreement and discord are necessary for us to grow and question ourselves. In that sense, Libra proposes learning from those with whom we disagree the most and finding solutions to the challenges that arise. As a cardinal sign, both Aries and Libra are particularly active in seeking solutions and resolving conflicts.

The recent entry of Pluto in Aquarius, in square with the Lunar Nodes leads us to question whether we have learned from our past. If you still feel trapped in the victim role, the answer is a resounding NO.

The transformative power of the Lunar Nodes which lead us to debate between the past and the future is aggravated by the change of sign of Pluto, which evolves from Earth to Air. This historical moment is one of the most complicated we have experienced and Pluto will continue its passage through Capricorn and Aquarius until November 2024 giving us time to get used to this dramatic transition.

The fundamental question now is: what do I believe in? what do I think? leaving behind material issues to delve into the depths of our psyche.

The influence of Jupiter and Uranus on the Full Moon

Reflections on our personal integration

The presence of Jupiter in this Full Moon as it sits next to the Sun in the midpoint between Eris and the Sun urges us to reflect on that part of ourselves that we find difficult to integrate.

Eris, the “uninvited” and Goddess of Discord, connects us with this aspect of our personality and points out where we feel marginalized, ignored or undervalued. It also suggests that this feeling which resides in our psyche is projected onto others, onto those who seem to ignore or not appreciate us.

Breaking free from chains

The astral position of Uranus at the midpoint between Juno and Venus in Taurus emphasizes the natural quincunx that occurs between the signs ruled by the Goddess of Beauty, who is also the “dispositor” of the Full Moon in Libra.

These two signs, although under the influence of the same deity show significant differences. Venus/Aphrodite in Taurus enjoys seducing and seeking pleasure while in Libra, she rejoices in finding an intellectual space to share and listen.

The balance between sharing and enjoying our space: The Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the balance between sharing and enjoying our own space. Aries urges us to move forward, while Libra prefers to wait for the other. Libra looks for in the other what it believes is missing at all levels, while Aries feels capable of doing it alone.

With Uranus in the middle of Juno and Venus and Pallas in a square with the Moon-Sun-Jupiter, the need to break free from unwanted chains can be very powerful. It is important to remember that we ourselves are the ones who chain ourselves, therefore, we are responsible for breaking the chains.

How astronomy influences our life and invites us to heal the body, soul and mind

Astronomy brings us an interesting phenomenon: Mars in Cancer OOB (out of bounds) with a declination greater than 23º27′ but in trine to Saturn. This alignment invites us to act with determination and organization to achieve our goals although perhaps in a somewhat combative way.

However, in this Full Moon the most prominent voice is that of Chiron which is less than one degree from the Sun and therefore in almost exact opposition to the Moon.

Chiron with his immense wisdom, suggests more natural forms of healing that are in harmony with our entire being and not only attend to the part of the body or soul that hurts. For Chiron, we are a body-soul-mind unity and if one of these dimensions suffers, the other two also do.

According to this wise one, a good exercise is to identify which part of the body hurts and look for the wound in the soul or mind that relates to it, as finding this connection is the first step towards healing.

With information from Archetypal Astrology – Cristina Laird


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