Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel,

Archangel Zadkiel and Metaphysics

Zadkiel is an example about how the New Age movement has taken, altered, expanded and modernized elements originating from Judaism and Christianity.

Through the process of assimilation, the profile of Zadkiel as an archangel became part of a series of esoteric theories. Is considered to be deliberately created hoaxes by the theorists, rather than having-objective and honest intellectual attitude.

They were simply seeking money and power or weaving bizarre theories out of mystical hallucinations without objective perception.

Zadkiel like the other archangels was eventually associated with one of the Seven Flames with messages delivered through countless spiritually “enlightened and evolved”, “psychic transmitters” and sometimes meaningless invocations.

How did Zadkiel and other archangels come to be related to the Seven Flames?

The Ascended Masters imagined by Blavatsky inherited all the characteristics of the mythological generation of Buddhist demigods, but now they had been given a clearer identity. All New Age groups claim the existence of a White Brotherhood composed of Ascended Masters.

Many scholars in the field say that the theories propagated by Blavatsky were not true and that her method of obtaining information was unreliable, including lucid dreaming, automatic writing or the famous “dictation” in which she simply listened in her head to the voice of a spirit.

Whether she meant to deceive or not, Blavatsky wrote, to put it mildly, esoteric extravaganzas.

It was Blavatsky who made the connection between the Seven Rays and the archangels. Then, with the I AM Movement, metaphysical statements were introduced relating to decrees and other things associated with “I AM,” which is supposedly the name that expresses the “presence of God” in each individual with a soul.

I AM Movement

In the early years of the 20th century, the I AM Movement (“I AM Activity”) emerged, founded by Guy Ballard and his wife. According to them, the gurus of the Movement received supernatural revelations from beings of light about rays, decrees, and the like.

The great revelation of the Movement was communication with Saint Germain, who had passed away in the 18th century and was considered the herald and hierarch of the Aquarian Age.

However, the leaders did not foresee that after them, sects and groups would emerge that would contradict the “sacred word” dictated by Count Saint Germain.

Thus began the obsession with the metaphysical. In Latin America, Conny Mendez, a Venezuelan, took it upon herself to popularize Blavatsky’s teachings and the I AM Movement, which led to the creation of new sectarian groups.

For example, one group claimed that Saint Germain directed the Seventh Ray (Violet Ray), while another group denied this claim. However, there were some exponents who were respectable for their intellectual integrity.

Rubén Cedeño

An example of this is Rubén Cedeño who published his well-known work “Los Siete Rayos” (The Seven Rays) in 1993. In it, he maintains the relationship between the archangels and the rays or flames, as well as the belief of the decrees of the I AM and the archangelinas or feminine complements of the archangels.

In addition, in his article “Metaphysics Clarified” he defended his theory and that of many other theorists of the movement.

In North America, after the I AM Movement, the Bridge of Freedom emerged and expanded the theories of its predecessor and received teachings from “exotic” and “mysterious” masters such as El Morya or Maha Chohan who transmitted their wisdom from beyond.

As more and more supposed revelations from the Ascended Masters appeared, they would form the prestigious White Brotherhood, who claimed to receive messages from her.

However, suspicion about the authenticity of these messages increased when the son of two of these transmitters or channelers declared that it was all a fraud.

This contributed to reinforce the idea that esoteric metaphysics is nothing more than a grouping of movements in which many gullible and naive people follow some deceivers or hallucinators.

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